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aiming to be strong
everyday, i prepare for
what's about to come.

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08 | e i g h t.

"Mother, I'm late!" Izumi yelled hastily, striding down the stairs and running into the kitchen.

"Whoa— slow down, Izumi! You're gonna get hurt!" Hazuki replied, her eyebrows up and eyes wide. "At least have breakfast—"

Izumi didn't reply, rather stuffed a slice of bread in her mouth and grabbed a packet of juice from the refrigerator. She quickly put on her shoes and opened the front door.

"I'll get going!" She spoke and left.

Hazuki was about to stop her daughter, but she was already gone. The elder woman sighed, smiling a bit. She was worried if the brunette would feel hungry later on, but she was happy that the girl was so lively now.

On the other hand, Izumi was running to the training grounds. Her one week of taijutsu training had ended yesterday. Both Itachi and Shisui had advised the girl to take at least one day off before starting ninjutsu training, but she declined.

Izumi asked the both of them to help her, but Itachi had a mission so for today, only Shisui would be helping her. He told her to be at the training grounds at six o'clock, and she was half an hour late. She felt ashamed imagining the scenario that she'd have to tell Shisui that she slept in, but she decided to shove the thought away.

"Shisui!" Izumi called his name as soon as he came into view. She ran up to him and said, "I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"I'm guessing you slept in?" He said, a playful smile on his lips.

The brunette was panting with her hands on her knees, and now she looked up to the curly haired boy with wide eyes and red cheeks. "Uh... yes," She spoke slowly. "I'm sorry."

Shisui chuckled. "It's alright." He replied.

"Big sister Izumi!" A surprised, young and familiar voice called from behind the said girl. She turned around and saw the little ball of sunshine.

"Sasuke!" Izumi exclaimed, her voice cheerful. "Are you going to train with us too?"

Sasuke was about to reply, but Shisui interrupted and said, "Yep. Sasuke's the top student in class, so I thought I should try to take some credit of it too!"

Izumi giggled at his words and Sasuke pouted.

"Oh my God, I missed training with you!" Izumi bent a little down to meet Sasuke's level. She ruffled his hair, which annoyed him even more.

"You guys should stop babying me."

After having their small talk, Shisui explained their schedule. Sasuke would be trying to improve his skills in using the basic fire styles justus. Meanwhile, Shisui would try to see if Izumi had any other type of chakra. If she did, he would try to teach her some jutsus of the kekkei genkai. If not, she would do the same thing as Sasuke. Later on, the younger ones would be learning new fire style jutsus.

"Sasuke, come over here." Shisui called. The said boy obeyed and the older one said, "Look at this very carefully."

He made a few hand signs, and said, "Fire Style : Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" A huge spiral of fire left his mouth, but he made sure that it wouldn't burn anything in front of him.

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