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A/N- Hi, I'm Alice, this is my first fanfic and I don't know if it's any good! I've written around 6 parts so far and decided to start to upload them. I'll happily change them if I could get any feedback from what I have written so far. Thanks x

This was it. The moment I have been waiting for. For 5 months I had been counting down to this very date. I was about to meet Jessie J. She's been my idol for about years, I've been a Heartbeat since the beginning, I love her music and she's such a nice person.

I was going with my boyfriend and my best friend. We queued for a couple of hours, listening to our iPod's and laughing. But now we were here. The couple in front of us had just gone in, which means we would have about a five minute wait.

''I'm so nervous!'' I exclaimed

''Why? Cus you're meeting your idol?'' Amy, my best friend joked

''Yes!'' I replied ''I am so happy I saved up for this, this is the best day of my life''

''What about when we first got together?'' Jayden asked

''And that one, but this is definitely top!'' I laughed

He pretended to look hurt and pulled a sad face. I held his hand, Amy pretending to be sick. She was never good with PDA. I stuck my tongue out at her and we all laughed. ''OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG! I can't believe that this is happening!'' I screamed

''Well, believe it! Because it is!'' Jayden said

''Aren't you excited?!'' I asked them both

''Well, I was just the driver!'' Jayden laughed

''She's your idol, yeah I like her music, and I am excited because she's Jessie blooming J! But you're probably peeing your pants right now, and I'm not!'' Amy explained

''Oh God! What if I'm blinking in the picture? What if I can't get my words out?! What if she hates me?!'' I rapidly blurted out

''Woah! Calm down there Scarlett! She'll love you, I mean, come on, you're you, who couldn't?!'' Amy said

Amy was always good at reassuring me, I mean, we've been best friends since we were 7, when she moved to London, we became friends instantly when I was getting bullied by this dude and she stood up for me. Ever since then we've been pretty much inseparable. I remember her saying 'Oi, leave Scarlett alone alright? If you treat her like this any more then you'll have me to deal with, and trust me, I'll kick you where it hurts!'

That's Amy for you, she's a good friend, but her downfall is if you get on the wrong side of her, she'll bite! Which is always good, because with previous boyfriends, she's been there with the break ups, and helped me get through them.

I met Jayden four years ago, we both started going to University to do a course on teaching. We were in the same class when we started training. He works at a Secondary school now, whilst I teach at a Primary school, looking after the little kids. We got together about 6 months ago.

''Next please'' called one of the staff at the arena we were in. This was it, I was going in. I was so happy Amy and Jayden were coming with me, I think I'd be really shy without them, I mean, I will be shy with them there of course, but they'll be there if I have like a crying fit! We wondered into the room, on the other side I saw a lady standing there drinking a bottle of water. It was her. It was JESSIE J!

She wore black skinny jeans with a top that said London 30/10/13 on it, implying that that was the tour date she was doing that day. She had ruby red high heels on that made her look taller than she already is. It's a good job I was quite tall or I'd look funny in the picture of us! She saw us come in so she quickly turned around and gently placed the bottle of water on the table beside her. She turned around to face us and came walking towards me.

She is even prettier in person, the most beautiful human being that I have ever come across. Her face beamed and a smile forced its way across my face, seeing her smile just made me smile, without fail; 24/7. I breathed deeply, I needed to keep the nerves inside of me, because I didn't want to make myself look stupid. ''Hello, what's your name?'' She asked, her voice in person was even better than I expected! Her Essex accent was so strong.

''I, I'm, I'm Scarlett'' I stuttered

She smiled once again.

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