Chapter 24

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I couldn't have imagined this moment any better than it was, yes I had only just split up with my boyfriend and just been reunited with my best friend, but I seemed to forget all of that as Jessica's lips touched mine. It was almost as if all of my worries in the world had disappeared and I was finally at peace with everything. 

Jess made me feel so safe and comfortable. I wasn't going to label myself lesbian or bisexual. I am who I am and if anyone has a problem with that they can keep it to themselves. However, I didn't know where this left me and Jess.

The kiss started off slow and romantic, but grew ever so passionate and magical. Fireworks were going off in my head and I was enjoying the display. I placed my hands on her cheeks, cupping her face gently. She was still sat on my lap and had her hands around my neck. I'm not sure how long the kiss lasted for, but if it was five seconds, it was the best five seconds of my life, one minute, the best minute of my life.

Ever since I met Jess, I had tried to deny my feelings for her, because I was with Jayden. He was a cloud covering up the sun. I was the little flower in need of sunlight in order to grow into something bigger and better. I swept the cloud away and found my light, my sun, Jess.

We pulled away and looked each other in the eyes. Her pupils grew bigger and bigger, it made my heart melt. ''You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that,'' she bit her lip, still draping her arms around my neck. 

''Oh really? How long?'' I smirked.

''However cliché this is about to sound, it's true. Since the first time I laid eyes on you.'' she admitted.

I wasn't sure what to say. But luckily, my brain threw something together and replied. ''I felt the same too,'' I smiled.

Jess was please with my choice of words. ''What does this make us?'' she looked lost, face straight, almost worried for what I was about to say.

''What do you want us to be?''

Was Jess thinking friends, because we had kissed and she didn't like it? Or maybe she was thinking best friends, just like before and that we forget what previously happened and we continue to live our lives as close as we were about five minutes ago. Never speaking of that kiss again, pushing the memory of our lips connecting to the back of our minds. It eating away at us as we tried endlessly to deny our feelings for one another. Or perhaps she wanted something more than friends. Something more than best friends. Maybe if you put 'girl' in front of 'friend'. 

Was that what she wanted?

Jess took time to answer. I didn't know if she was conjuring something up in her mind. Trying to come up with a way to let me down easily. Maybe she was taking her time on purpose, teasing me by not replying straight away. Knowing that millions of thoughts would be rushing through my head all at once.

Come on Jess! Don't make me wait any longer! I repeated the question, phrasing it slightly differently.

''Jess? What do you want me to be?''

~Jess' POV~

If that kiss was words written on paper, a novel would be written. Water in a river? A beautiful waterfall cascading down the wall. A brain? Sent into overload. Speech? Speechless. In other words, that kiss was indescribable. I could ramble on for days about how brilliant it made me feel. How beautiful it was, how crazy, wound up and lost for words she could make me.

Scarlett held my face softly, as if she didn't want to let go of me. I did the same to her, wrapping my arms around her neck, holding her, never losing grip, like I didn't want to let go of her too. I didn't. She made me feel so good. Whenever in her company, she could make me so very happy. 

She was my shield, guarding me from potential pain. My sun, providing me with happiness and light. My own special star, guiding me on the correct path. My Princess, saving me at the end of the day. My hero. I've never felt this way before. No-one has ever made me feel the way she does. Thank you God for helping me stumble across Scarlett. It was one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

So what was our status then? Not on Facebook or anything, but like, where had that kiss put us? I asked her, curious of the range of answers I could get. She didn't answer my question. Instead she asked me one. ''What do you want us to be?''

Two words popped into my head immediately, I'd tell you what they were, but that just ruins the surprise. Sorry. My brain went on a journey for a minute or two at that moment. I was heading into the future and there were three roads.

Road one was hell. Not literally. But it was my life without Scarlett. She had obviously thought the kiss was a big mistake and just left my life without warning. I was in tears for ages, and then everything went blurry and it showed me a couple of years later. I was rushing around at work, trying to keep myself busy so I didn't have time to think about what could have been. Moping around 24/7, never smiling and constantly grumpy and agitated.

Road two was like it was last week. Scarlett and I were best friends, like we've always been. We had chosen to forget what had happened and just thought of it as a misunderstanding. We blamed it on our hormones and our emotions, like we were on a roller coaster ride. Like when you're going up the steep bit on a ride, you know what's going to come, you're kissing and you're happy about it. And then the next moment you're being hurtled to the ground as you realise it was a big mistake.

Road three was different. It was Scarlett and I together. We were snuggling up next to each other on the sofa, in our pyjama's, glugging back hot chocolate. Nearly dozing off, as three little children come racing into the room, one jumping onto the sofa next to Scarlett and I, hugging us both. One sat on the floor, gazing at the television, and then one running around the room playing cars. They were our children and Scarlett and I were married. Deeply in love.

Obviously they were all daydreams. Me imagining what could be. But I knew which one I liked the best. Which one I dreamt would come true. The one I couldn't help but think about when I'm alone. I wanted that more than I've ever wanted anything in my whole life. I had probably spent a little while thinking, as Scarlett repeated her question, eager for an answer.

''What do you want me to be?''

This time, one word came to my head. It was one word that described what I wanted Scarlett to be. What I hoped I could call her in years to come. What I hoped I could call her forever. When we're seventy years old, laying next to each other, hopelessly in love. There was only one answer to 'What do you want me to be?''.

And it was easy...


A/N: Andddd I think that's what you've all been waiting for?

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