Chapter 10

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I grabbed their hands and took them off of my face. I turned around and saw her standing there, grinning wildly at me. ''JESSICA!'' I squealed. I quickly embraced her into a long, tight hug, which she gladly returned.

''I've missed you so much!'' She murmured, her face half squashed by my shoulder.

''Not as much as I've missed you! What are you doing here? I thought you were doing your summer shows?''

''I'm pretty sure I've missed you more! Yeah, I am, but I don't have a performance tonight and I wanted to have a catch up with my favourite girls!''

''Aw Jess, we've hardly seen each other, with you preparing for your third album and my work and everything. Speaking of which, how is album 3 coming along?'' I asked.

''Brilliantly, a single is being released next month!'' She exclaimed.

''Jess! That's great!''

We stood there smiling and laughing at each other for a while. I couldn't believe that she was here. We hadn't seen each other in what felt like years. Yet, being here with her, it only felt like moments since we last saw one another. As cliché as that sounds, it was 100% true. ''What are you looking at?'' She asked me, bowing her head slightly, a little embarrassed.

''I'm looking at my beautiful best friend, that's what I'm looking at,'' I replied, Jess started to blush, she looked down into her hands, twiddling her fingers, trying not to make eye contact with me, ''Don't go all shy on me Cornish!'' I laughed, playfully slapping her arm. She smiled at me sweetly, our eyes looking deep into each others.

We were interrupted by Clair clearing her throat. We both turned our heads towards her and grinned.

''Glad you could make it Jessica,'' Clair exclaimed, before pulling Jess into a hug, ''So, where's your headband Scarlett? I thought you were joining in?'' Clair laughed sarcastically at me.

''Oh no! I must have left it at home, that's such a shame, I warmed up on the way and everything!'' I said, returning her comment.

''Oh, what a shame.'' Clair pouted, putting her hands over her face, pretending to cry.

''I mean, I could do it in this if you wanted me to?'' I asked Clair, obviously joking.

''It's okay!'' Clair laughed.

''Are you sure? I mean, I could go backstage with the girls, and warm up more now?'' I asked, ushering closer to the stage.

Obviously I was joking. I wasn't actually going to perform, even Clair knew that. But it was still funny to joke about it. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a very sarcastic, funny person. Ha, ha.

Jess looked at us, puzzled. Clair and I laughed at each other.

''Oh, it was just something we were texting about earlier,'' I explained.

''Oh right, what was it?'' She replied, interested.

''Nothing, nothing, just a little joke I made.'' I said.

Jess lightly sighed, clearly agitated by how vague I was being. Jessica wasn't what you would call a nosey person, but an interested one. She liked to know about everything and genuinely seemed interested, as I said.

I linked my arm with Jess', and walked to the seats at the back, in attempt to ease her moodiness. I got my phone from my bag and handed it to Jess, showing her my conversation with Clair so she understood fully. She smiled quickly at me, as if to say, 'Sorry for being a pain and if I came across moody and nosey'. I returned her smile, showing her it was okay. 

She skimmed over me and Clair's conversation, laughing to herself at times. She bit her lip, to stop herself laughing at the diva remark. Her smile faded when my phone beeped. ''You've got a text.'' she said, handing me my phone back.

It was from Jayden.

'Hey, Dan just asked me if I wanted to watch the football at his house this weekend, he's having a little get together with some of the others that I haven't seen in a while, and wanted me to tag along and have a catch up. Sorry :('

I typed out a text pretty quickly, not really caring what I wrote. It said: 'Sure, go, I'll see you sometime next weekend x'

I sighed and bit my lip, rubbing at my temples.

''What's wrong babe?'' Jess said, gently placing her hand on my back.

''Nothing, nothing,'' I quickly said, ''Nothing...'' I sighed.

''Scarlett, you know you can talk to me, tell me?'' She explained, rubbing my back carefully.

''It's just... Jayden and I were going to the cinema this weekend, but he's just been invited to his friends to watch the football, or something like that.''

''So he's going to the football instead? Can I borrow your phone for a second, I just want to forward that email from Holly to myself.'' Jess explained.

''Sure, go ahead.'' I replied, tossing her my phone.

She quickly did something on my phone, before dropping it into my handbag on the floor, before holding my hand, and squeezing it every now and again. I'm not going to lie; it made me feel so much better.

~ Jessie's POV ~

She passed my her phone and I quickly went onto her messages. I knew I had previously lied to her, about what I was doing on her phone, but I needed to see what Jayden had written to put her in such a sad mood.


'Sorry :('

That was it. No kisses or 'Hey babe', just 'Sorry :('. I mean, if he's trying to get her to say 'Sure go ahead, surely he'd make more of an effort? Does he not love her or something? Honestly, I swear all guys do is think about themselves. I rolled my eyes, so much that it actually hurt.

I put Scarlett's phone into her bag and held her hand. The last thing she needed now was to feel sad and no-one be there for her.

A/N: Read, comment, vote!

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