Chapter 17

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~Scarlett's POV~

After I had spent the morning with Jess, I headed home and just relaxed all day, taking the occasional nap. I had an amazing time at Jess' and it was clear to see that she cared about me dearly. It was so sweet of her to invite me around and spend nearly a whole day in my company. She really did have a heart made of gold. Pure gold.

I needed the naps because my eyes were tired of looking at the TV for so long with Jess, and our heart to heart that we had. It started off as just a little game to pass the time, but got so intense and thought provoking as we went on. I don't know what possessed me to ask Jess about me and Jayden, but I am glad I did.

' I think you know you've found the one when you feel it in your heart'. 

Is Jayden the one? Do I feel it in my heart? Or is that heartburn?! Ugh, I just don't know. I know that I loved Jayden. A lot. More than I love a lot of things in this world. He had my heart. I trusted him, he could do whatever he liked with it; and I hoped I had made the right decision letting us become this attached.

I'm not sure if things had changed. When we first met, everything was so new and exciting. I'd never get tired of being in his company. And now as the months have gone on, our relationship seems to be... getting old. I'm not sure if that was the right use of words. But it just didn't... have the spark a relationship should have any more.

Despite saying all of that, like I said, I do love him. He means the world to me and I'd hate for us to split up. I just want to make sure that we can both find our feet in our love and know what we're taking on. The last thing I want is for a horrible break up. Where one of us cheats or says something horrible that they instantly regret. I know I could never cheat on Jayden. I don't believe in cheating. Everything you had. All of the feelings you had for that one person, just forgotten about when you've found a new toy to play with. That wasn't something I could do. I've seen Amy go through break ups like that. Arguing, cheating. I felt terribly sorry for her.

Surely there has to be a way that me and Jayden can rescue our relationship and make something beautiful out of it. I'm not a giver-upperer. Although that may not be a word. You understand what I mean. I'm not going to just bury mine and his relationship here, I will try to save it.

What am I talking about? He hasn't even done anything wrong yet. Apart from the fact that the light of our love is dimming, nothing is wrong. We can get a match, set our love alight and watch the flames burn happily once again.

I try to be optimistic about the future, but sometimes I slip into my pessimistic ways again. I mean, he could be a really good liar. What if he doesn't love me? What if he's pretending to just because he's bored and wants something to do? Or even worse, what if he's cheating on me? I'd never find out, simply because he's probably a good liar. What if he doesn't care any more? What if he's given up, whilst I'm here, having hope for our future.

I'm getting too ahead of myself here though. I love Jayden and he loves me. Right?

A/N: Okay, so I have a few things to discuss.

Firstly, I know this chapter is a lot shorter than others, but that's just because it's a filler and just suppposed to be showing what's going on in Scarlett's head. 

Secondly, what do you think of the cover picture? I got one of my real life best friends to make it for me. Well she offered. Her name is Scarlett also (I named Scarlett after Scarlett) and she is amazing. Please could you follow her on Instagram because she wants more followers. She makes good edits too so yeah: @britishsmiler23.

Thirdly, I have come up with an idea for another fanfic. Personally, I quite like the idea, and I am thinking of ending 'Gold' at about chapter 30-35, and starting the next one. But... Would you rather me update both of them or finish 'Gold' first? It's totally up to you. Please comment your replies!

RANT FINISHED! Opinions on the (short) chapter?

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