Chapter 12

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It was Saturday and I was going to Jess' later. I decided that if I stayed in all day today, the day would have been wasted, so I decided to do something productive, which was go on a run and buy some shopping, and then spend some time in my garden, reading and planting some flowers. I loved flowers and it really cheers me up seeing it look all colourful and bright.

I was back from my run at about 1pm, which wasn't bad considering I woke up at 9am. I had had 11 hours of sleep, which I was very pleased about. I woke up feeling refreshed and happy, which was a change from yesterday afternoon.

I was making my dinner and watching the news, whilst trying to go over some forms for work. As I took yesterday off, I thought I had better make up for it and try to get some stuff complete. When I finished dinner, I washed up my plate and grabbed my book, heading for the sunshine, aka; garden. This afternoon was going to be good, as was tonight.

~Jess' POV~

I was getting ready for the party with my friend from the good old days at The BRIT School, Nathan. We agreed that we should have a catch up, and I offered him to come around for a couple of hours and have a brew, but he asked me if I wanted to come to a party that he was invited to. He said it was a little party gathering thing with around 30 people there. Apparently, his friend had invited him, Dan or something, I may have misheard his name, I wasn't really listening...

Let's call him Dan. Dan's friend is who's party it was. I found it confusing, but I wanted to spend some time with Nathan, so I obviously agreed to go to this social gathering. It was lucky you were allowed plus ones, otherwise it would have been awkward. I should have invited Scarlett or Holly, they would have enjoyed it!

I got ready, wearing a short floaty white dress with black birds over it, with my brown high heels. I put my make up on and grabbed a bottle of wine, I didn't know what sort of event this was, so I brought it just in case. I mean, was it a full on party with lots of people there? A gathering of people watching the football, a kid's party?! I didn't know. I hopped into my car and left. I was meeting Nathan at his house, which he had given me directions to, as I couldn't remember from all of those years ago. About 25 minutes, 3 wrong turns later, and the odd swear word, I was there. Thank God! I can drive anywhere, even if it did take me 5 times to pass my test! Luckily, Nathan was taking us to his friends, so I could leave my car at his until later when I came to pick it up.

We turned the radio up and harmonised on our way there. I have to say, I've missed this. I totally have to meet up with old  BRIT school friends and just spend time singing. The vibe you get when you're singing with a bunch of other singers is amazing. It's like this good, happy vibe bounces off of one another and makes you so much more relaxed.

When we arrived, I was sort of surprised. There was only this house on the street, like it was detached. Yet dozens of cars were parked up outside. I guessed it was a full on party.

This was confirmed when we got out of our car and heard the music blasting. The front door was open, so we let ourselves in. Nathan made his way outside, so I followed him. This person's garden was massive. He had some grass which people were sat on, with a barbecue cooking. On the other side was a hot tub with people in. And in front of us was a sofa. People seemed to be looking at the wall? I turned my head and saw a massive 80 inch TV on the wall. Even I didn't have one that big. Why would I need one?! Ok, so there was definitely more than 30 people at this party, there was probably more that 40 just in the garden alone. I would have rather had a brew and a piece of cake at mine to be very honest.

''Ahh, this is Dan, Jessie,'' Nathan said, dragging me over to a friend of his ''Dan, Jessie, Jessie, Dan'' he said, introducing us to each other.

''Hi'' I smiled nervously, handing him the wine.

''Well hello there Jessie'' He said, taking the wine from me, he stared at the front of it, inspecting my choice, ''Sweet... Let me get Leo a second, I'll introduce you'' Dan said, rather happily.

''No!'' I replied quickly.

''LEO! LEO!'' Dan shouted, repeating himself as you couldn't hear anything over the music.

''It's okay, you don't have to,'' I yelled, trying to be heard. I figured it was Leo's party, but still, did I really need to be introduced, I bet you any money he didn't know half of the people here. I blame the plus ones!

Leo looked over from the barbecue, and smiled. He ushered for someone to take over the cooking and made his way over to us. I obviously wasn't heard.

''Hey!'' He shouted, drinking from a glass of beer.


''Nice to meet you, guessing you're Nathan's plus one?'' I nodded ''Cool, well just have fun and do whatever you please!''

He clearly didn't care much for his house. I smiled and turned back around to see Nathan and his friend Dan had left me. So I was right when I thought his name was Dan! I pondered around the garden for a while, smiling at a few people, this couldn't have been more awkward! I decided on having a look inside the house, hoping to find Nathan. He wasn't in the kitchen or the living room, so I looked upstairs. It was surprisingly quieter up here, and I could actually hear myself think.

I nipped to the loo, which I saw coming up the stairs. As I exited the bathroom, I heard whispers coming from the room opposite me. I didn't want to look like I was eavesdropping, so I went back into the toilet and shut the door very quietly. All I heard were little murmurs, as I could hear a lot of noise from outside in the garden, so I closed the bathroom window as gently as I could.

''Babe...'' I heard a man's voice, it sounded sort of similar.

''Yeah?'' a girl replied, ''Who did you come with today?''

''Ah well I know the person who's party it is, but I came on my own'' the man explained.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so I leaned back from the bathroom door. They sounded like they were heading towards the door with the man and woman in.

''Hey, what's going on?'' another man said.

''Oh nothing, we were just talking'' the girl giggled.

''Cool, why don't we get this party started?!'' a final voice said, before more music was being blasted.

More footsteps came from the stairs and over the landing. From what I heard, I believed that there were probably about 10 people in that room. Just a wild guess. One of which I recognised the voice of, but I couldn't quite put the voice to a face, if you get me. I opened the bathroom door and made my way across the landing. The door to the 'party' room, was half open. 

I proceeded into the room and saw just under a dozen people drinking and dancing with each other. As the room was reasonably small, it was a tight squeeze! In the corner I saw the person who's voice I recognised. He was there with his hands on some girls waist, whilst they were laughing and dancing together. I stood there in plain awe for a while, as people came right up to my face, breath full of alcohol, asking me if I wanted to dance. I pushed them away and kept my eyes fixed on them. 

I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. Why? Just why. I hated him. I hated him more than I have ever hated him before. He stopped dancing with this girl, well I say dancing, it was a lot dirtier than that. He held the girl's hand and she span around. She then held his hand and he managed a quarter of a turn before he faced me. He stopped laughing... I wonder why.

''Jessie?'' he asked, in pure and utter shock.

A/N: Ooohhh! Who do you think the man was?! Sorry to leave it on such a cliffhanger, but the next update won't be very long away. I was really excited about writing this part! You have to love a bit of drama! Read, vote, comment- you know the drill! Thanks :)

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