Chapter 29

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''I have something to tell you Scarlett...''

''What is it?'' She was silent, waiting for my reply.

''Promise me you won't get mad?''

''It depends on how bad it is Jess, you know that right?'' She did that laugh when you're sighing, smiling and laughing at the same time.

''Yeah I know, it's just, I want you to understand why I didn't tell you before.''

''Go ahead,'' she nodded, encouraging me to speak ''I'm listening.''

A tear ran down the side of my face and I wasn't even aware of it until Scarlett wiped it away for me. I smiled weakly at her and she smiled back. ''Don't be afraid to tell me Jess, whatever it is, we can sort it out, you and I, together.''

''But I don't want to make a big deal out of it, it's nothing important, I just don't want you to hear it worse than it actually is.''

''Listen, Jess. I'm worried for you. Because you're procrastinating in telling me, I'm not sure whether I should be really scared about what it is, or chilled. You know you can tell me anything. Whatever it is it's clearly getting into your dreams too. We can't have that, dreams are supposed to be happy places!''

I giggled at that. She always knew how to make things sound better than they were. Making the best of a bad situation I guess you could call it. I knew I was being dramatic now, I just didn't want her to flip or anything. I mean, it's nothing important. It doesn't matter, I just want to be the person to tell her. She could only hear it from me, otherwise it would cause an argument.

She took my hand in hers and squeezed them rather tightly. Perhaps trying to shake the secret out of me?

''Promise me that I can just tell you and we'll forget about it. We'll go straight back to sleep and wake up in the morning refreshed and with no secrets? Promise me that.''

''I promise Jess, now don't keep me waiting any longer. Don't keep yourself waiting any longer. I can tell you need to get whatever it is off of your chest.''

She was right. She was always right.

''It was at the party,'' I started.

''What party? Mine?''

''No, the party that I saw Jayden at that time. Where I first saw him cheating.''

''What happened there?''

''I confronted him about it in the bathroom. It got quite heated and he started yelling.''

''Oh God, he didn't rape you or anything, did he?!''


''Where did that come from? There's no way I would have waited this long to tell anyone if that had happened.''

''What is it then?''

''Well he got angry and pushed me.''

''Like downstairs? Oh my god.'' She went pale.

''No, into the bathroom door.''


''And he bruised my back.''


''Scarlett you promised me you'd be calm about it. Please.''


''Scarlett keep your voice down, you'll wake the others up.'' I stressed, the last thing we needed was them getting involved.

''I HATE HIM MORE THAN I HAVE EVER HATED ANYONE BEFORE.'' She yelled, throwing a pillow across the room. Good job it was only a pillow.

''Scarlett please, you're scaring me. I don't want you to get mad. He's not worth it. Please, just keep your voice down, please baby. Let them sleep.'' I begged, I didn't want this to get out of hand.

''Fine. I'll be quiet. But I am so angry right now.''

''Please Scarlett, I need to know that you're here for me.'' I started to cry, I didn't like seeing her like this.

She looked at me and her eyes grew bigger. She wriggled closer to me and hugged me tightly.

''I am so sorry baby, I didn't mean to get angry and make you cry. I just hate knowing he's hurt you.'' She kissed the top of my head, trying to sooth me.

''No I am sorry. I should have told you back then. I couldn't find the right time.''

''I can't believe it. Please could you show me? If you're comfortable with that?''

I lifted my top up and Scarlett held it up by my shoulders. I moved my bra out of the way so she could see. It was quite big and a reddy pinky colour. It was obviously worse, but had gone down. I guess that was good. I heard Scarlett gasp and drop my top immediately.

''Oh my god Jessica. How have you managed to cover it up?''

I sat on her lap and hugged her. 

''I used foundation, it hurt for a couple of weeks a lot and then only hurt when somebody touched it. It isn't a big deal, don't worry.'' I rested my head on her chest, hiding my face in her hair.

''Isn't a big deal?'' She held me by my shoulders and sat my upright.

''It's fine, it's happened and it needs to be forgotten.''

''Jessica. It is a big deal. Someone has abused you.''

''Don't use big words like that.''

She scoffed and stared at me. ''I'm using appropriate words I'll have you know.''

''Well don't use them in front of me.'' I probably came across rude but I was so tired and over this conversation now.

''My beautiful girl is being rather blunt, isn't she?''

''I'm sorry, I am just really tired and I just want to forget about it and cuddle.''

''Well that's something we're both good at. Come here, princess.'' She held her arms out and I snuggled into her, she wrapped her arms around me and we laid quietly for a minute or two.

I was nearly dozing off, but Scarlett spoke up and kept me awake. ''Do you think we should tell anyone? Like the Police or anything? Surely they could do something about it.''

''No Scarlett. That would involve a court case and my career doesn't need that. The only other person I told was Holly, and that was because I had to tell someone.''

''Right ok, and yes of course you had to tell someone. I understand why you couldn't tell me straight away, don't worry.'' Scarlett explained, stroking my back.

''Good, now let's get some sleep, I am knackered!''

Everything was going to be ok. Surely.

A/N: Bang Bang just got leaked. I can't listen to it...

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