The Discovery (Part 1)

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I was a rainy day outside, the group of acheologists was moving slowly towards the spacecraft they've been studying for years now. The ship was relatively big, filled with leftover droid parts, useless pieces once belonging to the ship and a few broken weapons laying around. As soon as the group arrived a few members entered the ruins of the ship.

Tobias: "Ugh, what's the use in doing this?!" He shouted in annoyance of the pain of his daily routine. "We've been going in here for, for- YEARS!! Sure, we discovered lots of new stuff at first but admit it, Mr. Larbec, we will never find any signs that General Grievous himself was piloting this ship."

Mr. Larbec: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Tobias, one must have patience for one to discover great things." The old man followed his young apprentice's quick walk with his eyes. He knew how unpatient Tobias could get but luckily for him, he had a wise and patient instructor, the very opposite of him.

Tobias kicked a few droid parts with his foot: "Let's face it, everything about this ship had already been explored." One droid arm, previously kicked by the young apprentice fell to the ground, pointing towards a pile of rocks as if it was trying to guide the group, Tobias continuing his blabbering while his teacher noticed the arm and followed the direction it was pointing towards. 

Mr. Larbec had been guided towards a wall, a loose piece of metal hanging off of it, showing that there was another room behind it. "How have we never noticed this, Tobias?"

The young man had been cut off from his rage, curiosity getting the best of him and making him go examine the newfound mystery. He then proceeded to take off the metal covering a small entrance to another room, making his way in alongside his teacher.

"Nothing." Said Tobias in a passive-agressive tone. "It's just another empty room." As he turned to leave his teacher hit him lightly over his head with his wooden, beautifully sculpted crutch.

"OW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Tobias turned back to his teacher in an anger fit, only to be soon calmed down by Mr. Larbec's calm voice: "The youth usually does not pay attention to the details surrounding them. One must look carefully for one can see a great discovery inside this very room."

Tobias, at first confused looked around the room once more scratching his head, his eyes fell upon a single, old and dusty book laying down in a corner. His eyes widened as he ran to pick it up and carefully looking through the old pages: "No. Way." 

His surprised tone giving away to his teacher that he had found something worth looking at, carefully making his way towards his apprentice, he took the book, a picture of General Grievous and somebody else right next to him. No, that wasn't a droid, it looked like a...human? Humans never really dared go NEAR this dangerous and twisted prodigy of engineering. Were they actually smiling while standing next to him?

Tobias looked over at his teacher hugging him: "Do you know what this means, Mr. Larbec?! We might have just found a book written by somebody who knew General Grievous!"

His teacher smiled, it made him happy seeing his young apprentice finally satisfied: "One must study this journal carefully, from the looks of it - it is as delicate as a flower."

Author's note: HEY GUYS!! Hope you enjoyed this short chapter, things are going to fall into place in the next one, thanks for reading and I hope to see you stick around!!

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