Every Indulgence Has A Cost

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By the time they had arrived back to the Count's mansion, the weather had already managed to change drastically, turning from a bright sunny day into a gloomy, rainy one. Covering the ground was a light fog which made it seem as if one were walking through clouds. In the distance, although blurred because of the heavy rain pouring down, two figures with very accentuated height differences emerged, walking alongside the short, paved road which led to the glorious mansion.

General Grievous had to slow his pace down, although (Y/N) was trying their best to get inside as quickly as they could, his stature was simply too big to not outwalk them.

"You know..." Came (Y/N)'s rather soft voice, partially muffled by the sounds of the raindrops washing the land. "...you really don't have to hold your cape over me, I'm fine."

His eyes shifted briefly, only to meet theirs before he began: "I doubt that Count Dooku assigned me to bring you to him with a cold, besides, I am made to withstand far more harsh conditions than some silly little rain."

(Y/N) sighed and gave a small nod, remembering the intense fall that both them and the General took when the cliff they were standing on broke, he could, indeed, withstand a great deal more than simple rain. However, they couldn't help but feel uncomfortable that someone as high and mighty, the feared cyborg leader of the droid armies, had been assigned to fetch some nobody who just happened to have been raised in a wealthy family. Was seeking and bringing them to Dooku some sort of punishment for failure to respect orders? Must've been just that, who would EVER assign a General for such a degrading task.

Not long after their brief exchange they managed to get to the mansion, guards closing the large doors behind them with a great bang, echoing throughout the large halls decorated with countless statues and paintings. Grievous, then, retracted his still extended arm holding part of his cape spread out, which formed the covering for (Y/N) during the storm. They made their way down the main hall which was lit by torch-like devices to give the building just the right amount of eerie and artsy at the same time, each passing light making the General's soaking wet body glisten into the light, giving it a rather shiny look.

Having no interest in the rare and expensive lavishness surrounding them, for they had seen it all a thousand times before, (Y/N) looked ahead, completely lost into their thoughts, wondering if this was their chance to find out more about themselves than they had previously been led to believe. They shut their eyes and massaged their temples, mentally preparing themselves for what was to come.

Having never been higher than the first 3 levels, which were destined for guests, they got clueless when General Grievous revealed a key to the mysterious last door, which was always locked, at the end of the 3rd floor, opening it to reveal a set of stairs which led up.

"I've never been farther than this." Concluded (Y/N) as they ascended, gently dragging their hand against the sculpted wooden rails alongside the likewise wooden stairs which filled the space with a pleasant smell.

"The Count informed me that u shall not find anymore locked door in this place, you are free to go wherever you want." Replied the cyborg while leading the way into a large lobby with another set of large doors right upfront. "He will see you now."

With that, he pushed them open effortlessly, considering the weight they must've had by the looks of their size and thickness. (Y/N) looked in awe as the General finished his action and gestured for them to walk inside, seeing Count Dooku stare outside at the gorgeous view from his large window, arms behind his dark cape. He then turned to face the two, first catching the tall, white figure which was still relatively wet from the weather outside, then immediately focusing on (Y/N) to see if they had gone through the rain. To his content they had not, instead, nodding at em in greeting and being met with a light smile from their part.

Just as General Grievous bowed slightly and was about to turn around to leave them alone, Dooku stopped him with a gesture of his hand, indicating for him to stay to which he complied, remaining in his previous position.

Clearing his throat, the Sith Lord began: "Welcome, (Y/N), I assume you are wondering why I had you brought here."

They nodded, gripping the strap to their leather bag tighter with both their hands due to their anxiety, standing as still as a rock while Grievous simply followed the Count's movement with his eyes.

"Well..." He began. "The reason is simple.

I have rescued you from the flaming ruins of your city many years ago, handing you to a family that I found suited to care for your upcoming destiny."

"Destiny?" (Y/N) questioned themselves within their own thoughts. "What destiny?" Their thoughts were, once again, interrupted by Dooku's voice continuing:

"Given my knowledge of your situation, it turned out I was wrong to assume that your previous guardians would face the challenge of raising and nurturing a Force-sensitive child, instead, they have tried their best to keep you away from any sort of event that would stimulate you to use your precious gift."

"Wait, wait- So you're saying that, what? I'm suddenly Force-sensitive? I haven't even the smallest concept about it and throughout my life there had been no signs of it, with all due respect, Count Dooku, I think you've made a mistake..."

The Count frowned slightly and took a few steps towards (Y/N).

"Believe me, child, this is the very reason why I had to take you out of that environment. It was my mistake that I should've taken action sooner, for you could've been a few years into practice by now. But let us not dwell on the past, you're here now and that is all that matters."

Gently putting his hand on their head, which immediately sunk into their curly locks, it felt awfully familiar to them, reminding them of the day they had been rescued and given a second chance at a life they had't asked for. He turned to the General which was standing just as still as before, meeting his superior's eyes.

"(Y/N), you are to stay here and train into the art Sith, with me as your master. You will train hard and be exposed to tests of both physical and mental strength, using your free time to assist to General Grievous' battles and preparations accordingly." He paused, briefly, to take in the figures' reactions. When he was met with none he lowered his voice and spoke:

"Is that understood?"

Only then he was met with the mostly confused (Y/N)'s: "Yes." And the General's immediate response: "Of course, Count Dooku."

Met with his desired response, he nodded: "Excellent. General, guide (Y/N) to their quarters and be ready to have my new apprentice learn your ways as well as mine, show no mercy. Dismissed."

With that, the Count turned around to tend to his many other tasks which left the fearsome General gently push the newly-declared apprentice to fulfill the Count's requirements. Both leaving the room and closing the doors behind them. (Y/N) stood still for a second, processing what had just happened. Their dream of permanently assisting General Grievous in battle had just come true, something they had only managed to do through hiding their identity before. But at what cost?

A rush of panic and anxiety had, once again, zapped up their spine, making them tense with pain for the vines under their skin had grown a little more.

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