Entry Number 6: But Death Never Came

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"January 29th, 1988.

We're lost in a forest. After we landed I've lost my surroundings so I have no idea where we currently are...and here I thought I knew this planet like the back of my hand. The General's been awfully quiet, like he's watching my every step, I wonder if he might suspect anything, since we've met in person before.

He did seem puzzled when he looked me in the eyes while we were falling, maybe he recognized something from my looks at Dooku's party? Who knows...For now I have to play my cards right, I'll try going with a rustier, deeper version of my usual voice."

Grievous was looking around as they were making their way through the thick plants, growing visibly angry of their current situation, he sighed. "Do you ever put that little book of yours down?" He asked in annoyance.

(Y/N) put the pen between the pages where their last entry was and closed it, shoving it into their leather bag and looking forward. 

"I know you can talk. I've heard you retorting to that Jedi scum earlier."

(Y/N) kept making their way forward, looking around a few times then going to their right, forcing the cyborg to follow after.

"If this is some sort of ambush, you're making a grave mistake by challenging me, you WILL perish."

Again, he was met with silence as they walked further down numerous muddy paths, stopping from time to time so (Y/N) could listen to their surroundings then continue again shortly after.

"I could just kill you, you know, wouldn't really make a difference for me since you DID technically do something illegal by joining my army mid-fight."

They stopped in front of a tree and (Y/N) exhaled, indicating the presence of a struggle, seemingly not bothered by what the cyborg was telling them. Grievous lost his patience. He grabbed them by their shoulder, almost digging his claws into their flesh and turned them around, smashing them against the tree and glaring down at them. Angrier than ever for the silence he was being treated with, he snarled at his little savior from earlier.

"Nobody ignores me, you hear?! Nobody."

(Y/N) was looking up at him, unbothered, then feeling his claws starting to dig themselves into their skin they finally opened their mouth.

"Shove those claws deeper into my flesh and you'll be sick too."

Grievous blinked, surprised that the method had actually worked. Usually his victims would require a good amount of torture before they gave in but this...this one was sounding like a warning.

"And why is that, little bird?" He responded with annoyance and anger in his voice.

"Because I have golden tree disease, seriously haven't you noticed the petals and flowers while we were falling?"

Frightened by what he'd just heard and the condition itself he quickly retracted his claws and let them go, taking a few steps back and wiping his hands by his already mud stained, once white cape.

"I'd suggest we stay here overnight, there's a huge possibility of us getting attacked by something if we head deeper into the forest, especially at this hour." Continued (Y/N) patting the dust off their shoulders and looking back at The General.

"Nonsense, we can stand up to whoever tries to meddle with us, wouldn't you agree? Besides I'm not planning to rest up as close as 20 meters from you, even if you saved my life." He arrogantly replied, turning his back on (Y/N). "I'm going to find my way out of this mess with or without you so feel free to be a coward and wait the night here while I move forward."

They shrugged, knowing better themselves, they started climbing a tree. "Suit yourself, I'm not risking it."

With that, they parted ways, Grievous glancing at them one last time before letting his confidence take over and heading further into the darkness.

The night had set, (Y/N) managed to build a small platform between two branches, a fairly good distance from the ground, as the darkness was getting thicker and thicker the many critters of the night started giving off various sounds. They laid down putting their hands under their head, the mask still on their face, they stared up at the night sky and the planets seemingly so close to the one they were on, the view was beautiful.

Their eyes slowly closed, their body went limp as they had fallen into the dark pit of their own slumber.

(Y/N) was woken up by the evergrowing sounds of panicked screams and the heavy smell of smoke. The small child peeked up from the ashes that were covering their body to see a land being eaten alive by fire. The ones they called "Jedi" were fighting with their town's armed forces and bringing them to their knees. Their house was now but merely a pile of dust. (Y/N)'s young, childish eyes filled up with tears as they knew their family hadn't been able to make it out in time. 

The sound of a lightsaber being pointed at them cut them off, making them turn their head back and look up to their attacker. It was a lone Jedi warrior, ready to finish to poor child off, her cape fluttering in the wind as the fire behind her consumed (Y/N)'s home town, they closed their eyes and left their head down, their tears falling to the ground as they came to terms with their fate.

But death never came.

Perplexed, the young looked up only to see a tall figure dressed in all black pointing their red saber towards the Jedi, with swift moves, taking her life away then turning back to the child he had stood up for.

(Y/N) covered their head in fear, trembling and sobbing but what came was a soothing hand over their head, they peeked up, face still wet with tears.

The man picked them up and wiped their tears off with the back of his hand. "There, there, little one...I mean you no harm."

The child sniffled, calming down. "Wh-why did you help me...I'm scum...that is why the Jedi set fire to this place, right?"

The man scoffed, seemingly annoyed at (Y/N)'s statement. "Now listen here, young one, you are not scum, the real scum are the ones who have taken happiness away from you, the ones who have taken your family away from you. I sense great Force in you, child, you can direct that Force towards taking back what is rightfully yours, by becoming Sith."

(Y/N) looked up at the bearded man, their eyes still shining with tears, voice still a bit shaky. "My name's (Y/N), what's yours?"

The man hesitated then placed his cape over the child's back, putting his saber away onto his belt and clearing off a path through the smoke with a gesture of his hand.

"You may call me Dooku, child."

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