Entry Number 3: Not What He Seems

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"December 1st, 1987.

Dooku's party went on better than I've expected, didn't have to sit around and listen to all of their political bullshit. The General got me out of their circle, luckily, we danced a little until we were out of my family and The Count's sight then made our way to the upper floors. I have to say, I thought of The General as a battle cyborg only, until that evening... NEVER judge a book by its cover, even when behind that cover there's also a battle filled past.

Today I have to attend to another meeting with The Count, not like I want to but my family pretty much always makes me their tail, so to speak. Maybe I'll have the luck of wandering off again, who knows?"

With that (Y/N) closed their journal and hid it under the wooden planks on the floor, in the small space reserved for the journal there was also a small golden box and that box, oh that damn box...it was a pain to even see it.

(Y/N) placed the wooden plank back on the spot where it used to be and got ready for the meeting. About half an hour later their dad knocked on their door to let them know they had to go, with a sigh, they nodded and followed him.

The conference room was dark, metallic almost, despite the bright light falling directly onto the table, (Y/N) stepped in and, much to their surprise, Dooku was already there with The General by his side, they greeted us formally then sat down. Since the only place free was next to Grievous (Y/N) sat there with the most bored looks of all, The General noticed it.

"Ughhhh, I hope this thing ends soon so we can all get on with our lives." (Y/N) thought to themselves but it was cut short as the sound of spilling water and their shirt, now wet, hit their attention.

"Oh how clumsy of me!" Grievous said in an overly-apologetic manner. "I am so sorry for that, Mister/Miss (L/N)."

"It's okay." Came the short answer from (Y/N) who slowly got up. "I can clean it off but I don't quite know where the restroom is located..."

"It's located on-" Dooku's words were interrupted by Grievouses. "On second thought I could show you where it is so Count Dooku can further discuss the matter with your family." With that he got up as well and pushed (Y/N) forward softly until they got out of the room and the metal doors closed behind them.

"You're welcome." The General's words came shortly after in his usual raspy voice. It took a second for (Y/N) to catch on but then it clicked. "Ohhhhhhh..." They said. "You did that on purpose to get us out of there!" They punched The General's shoulder plate friendly but it still hurt because, well, hard metal.

After (Y/N) finished cleaning off they and Grievous took a walk around the mansion, discussing random battle techniques or just trashtalking the Jedi. During that walk Grievous glanced over to them quite a few times, their way of walking and moving altogether looked very familiar to him. He tried to shake the feeling off though and looked ahead.

"So, have you heard about the bird-masked fighter? Quite a mystery person if I do say so myself." The General's words cut (Y/N) off guard as their hands went ice cold.

"I-I don't think they're anything special, maybe they just want to help?" They stuttered slightly looking down at a bush of golden flowers. They had to change the subject somehow. "Oh look! I never had a clue this flower species can grow in this sort of place!"

"What do you mean?" Grievous asked a bit confused, yet his voice tone giving away a slight tint of interest.

"Well, I don't mean to brag but I absolutely love flowers, this kind in particular and the thing is - they are very picky about the environment they have to grow in. Golden flowers usually grow on rotting trees or live...bodies...." Their tone dropped as the last words came.

"That's some serious horror right there, Mister/Miss (L/N)." Grievous said with a chuckle, not taking notice of the sudden mood drop.

"(Y/N) will do just fine, thank you very much."

"It wouldn't be too polite of me to address somebody of your status with their first name, would it?" His sentence was cut short due to (Y/N)'s dad calling them. The meeting was over, they had to go home. (Y/N) sighed and waved goodbye walking away from the tall, white cyborg, being greeted by their father and The Count at the entrance in the garden, Dooku shooting a quick glare towards The General before turning back and walking off with the other family.

The ride home had been silent so far, (Y/N) was looking through the window at some planets passing by, their eyes - empty, however. All they could think about was the new battle mission assigned to the droid army which was only a few days away. Suddenly, the silence was interrupted by their dad clearing his throat and speaking.

"You have wandered off again, (Y/N). I had hoped you would be more mature than that and assist at the meeting." He said in a serious yet disappointed tone.

"I'm sorry, father, I just believe this isn't for me. All these discussions about politics and money and investments...It's just not for me, I'd much rather talk to somebody about passions and dreams, it makes for a much better conversation and understanding between two."

Their father sighed and looked away from them, knowing far too well that (Y/N) was as stubborn as they were passionate about their own life, spending the rest of the ride home in blissful silence.

Once home, (Y/N) went straight to their room and changed into their house clothes then looked in the mirror. Their eyes fell upon the bandages covering up most of their body. (Y/N) sighed and proceeded to take them off, starting at their arms, as they uncovered their body golden petals fell down to the floor, golden flowers could be seen from underneath the bandages. They took another look in the mirror, from underneath their skin were growing live

golden flowers.

Author's note: Heyheyhey sorry for not updating this thing in so long I was rlly busy but yeh thx for reading, the next chapter will be up soon. (I hope lmfao.) Glitter birb out.

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