About This Collection

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When you Google the word "fangirl," this is what you'll see:




1. a female fan, especially one who is obsessive about comics, movies, music, or science fiction.

2. (of a female fan) behave in an obsessive or overexcited way.

Well, while I don't consider myself obsessive, I may behave in an overexcited way on occasion. I'm definitely a female fan of many artists. In particular, I'm a huge fan of New Kids On The Block. When they reunited in 2008, my life changed forever. Long story short, I'm happy. There's no way to explain it to people who haven't been through the journey that I've been through the past decade, all because this boyband from the 80's/90's decided to get back together and make an album... and stay together. I can't fathom what my life would be like now had that not happened. I'm not saying that I'd have a horrible life. But I do know that it would be fairly mundane. I'd probably have little (lot) more money, though.

If you're not a fan, but you have a passion that means everything to you, then maybe you can relate. You probably understand that it's not so much the sport/team/activity/hobby that affects you so greatly. Rather, it's the relationships you've formed along the way and the experiences that you've shared with those people that are so dear to your heart. If you don't have something that you're passionate about, I hope I inspire you to search for something that makes you so happy that you can't possibly explain it to anyone. That probably doesn't make sense, but once you find it, it'll make all the sense in the world.

This is more or less like a diary, a place where I can keep a collection of my favorite fangirl memories involving NKOTB. I decided to write it because, quite frankly, my memory sucks and I'd like to be able to look back at this down the road and enjoy it. (My ex swears we went to 2 'NSYNC shows: in 2000 and 2001, but I only remember the one in 2001. That's how bad my memory is.) And this way, I can share it with my friends, too.

I may not be the most entertaining storyteller in the world. But this isn't exactly a story. It's literally me simply recalling the details of my experiences. I'm sure there will be more than one of those "you had to be there" moments included, as well as some ultra boring details like what we ate. But I thought I'd share anyway because surely there are one or two other people out there who can relate to what I call my second/secret life. Also, there may be a colorful word or two, and I may voice some unpopular opinions. I write like I think, so sorry. My intention is not to offend anyone.

I'm marking this as 'complete' because, at any given moment, it is. However, I will be adding a section for every NKOTB concert/cruise/adventure that I get the opportunity to experience from now on. So, if you care to keep up with me, keep this in your library to be notified when a new section is added. 😊

These chapters will mostly be divided by each experience, in chronological order. Some parts may also include more than one show date for a particular tour. Some chapters will be super short (especially the early years), while others will be ridiculously long and full of details (Cruise 2017 for example...sorry about that).

I won't be offended if you're not interested in reading each part and want to skip around. I just appreciate you reading at all! Tell me about your experiences if you like. I love hearing other people's stories!

Also, though probably only Blockheads will read this, I explain some things as though the reader knows nothing about NKOTB, just in case. So if it seems weird that I'd explain how a photo op works, or what the infamous penis stage is, I just want to make sure that a non-fan would understand what I'm talking about. Okay, that's it. Happy reading!

P.S. I'm also nkotb_chickadee on Twitter. 😁

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