Total Package Tour - Round 2

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6/18/17 - Indianapolis

I never win anything. Ever. Till this. Danny's breast cancer charity, Remember Betty, gives away tickets to each show, and I happened to win for Indianapolis. I could only afford tickets to one show this tour, so I was ecstatic to be able to see it again. Also, my daughter, Molly, was bummed that she couldn't go this tour, so it gave me the opportunity to take her. That made me happier than anything. The prize included two tickets, plus a meet and greet with Danny.

I was still nervous to meet Danny, which is ridiculous. But that's how I am. I basically have anxiety because I'm afraid I'll have anxiety when meeting anyone, whether it's for the first or 20th time.

I got an email about two weeks before the show with details about picking up the tickets and such. Basically, I was to meet Danny's dad, Big Dan, at the box office and he'd take care of everything. I was also given Dan's phone number, which I feel is a very brave thing to do. Can you imagine how fans must abuse the privilege of having his number? He called me while I was driving there to make sure I was coming, and Molly about died. I think she thought it was Danny at first, not Dan.

So Molly and I made the three hour drive, checking in to the hotel about two hours before we had to pick up the tickets. Then we went to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch, which was just a block away from the venue.

We were sat in a room in the back of the restaurant that was decorated in Michael Jackson related memorabilia. And we were the only ones in there. The two of us shared an appetizer because we weren't that hungry. Our waitress kept checking on us like every couple of minutes, much more than she needed to.

Finally, she asked, "So, are you going to the concert tonight?" Like, I don't think either of us have the obvious fan look, but maybe we do? I just said yes. And she said quietly, "There's one of them sitting right around the corner when you go out these doors. Just so you know," and walked off.

Well, my heart went into fangirl overdrive. I texted Traci while Molly laughed at me, though she got excited, too. But no way was I going to approach whoever it was while they were eating. Traci kept yelling me to go check it out, but I was waiting until we were leaving.

I waited for Molly to finish eating and paid the bill. Then, while the waitress went to get me a box for leftovers, the manager came up to me and said, "I'm going to ask a dumb dad question. But who is that over there?"

I told him, "The waitress said it's one of the New Kids. But I don't know, I haven't seen them."

He said, "Oh, I thought you went over there. I don't know who they are, but they're not very nice. They came in and said they didn't want to be bothered."

I told him that that didn't really sound like the guys, but okay. He wasn't telling us that so we wouldn't go up to them. He was just telling us that they seemed rude.

We boxed up our food, took a deep breath, and attempted to look uninterested as we slowly walked out of the room, scanning the area where the mystery New Kid was. Well, I don't know who in the world that waitress thought was having a concert that night, but she sure doesn't know the New Kids. Nor was it any of the Boys II Men guys. There was only one table with customers, and it was about four older men and two teenage-ish (maybe early 20's) boys with blonde hair. They put me in mind of some YouTubers or something. I have no idea why they thought they were so special, but they weren't any of the New Kids. But I was kind of glad since they were supposedly rude. So that anticipation shot my nerves all to crap for nothing.

We took our food back to the car and sat for a few minutes until it was time to meet Dan. We waited by the box office as instructed, though I saw Dan waiting across the entrance and up some stairs, but you had to have tickets to get over there. 

While we waited, one of the women near us in line for VIP called Dan (she announced to her friends that she was doing so). I saw him answer his phone. I don't think she noticed he was standing over there. I couldn't understand much of what she was saying to him, but they're was a lot of annoying laughing and, "Oh, Dan. Come on..." I'm pretty sure it was an instance of abusing the privilege of having his number as I mentioned before.

He finally walked down the stairs about 4:15 and was talking to a group of four women, one who had been battling breast cancer. I knew this because of the shirts they were wearing. Then two others were talking to him, one of whom I recognized as his grandaughter, Chance. Since he wasn't making his way to the box office, I decided I'd approach him. He was texting when I introduced myself, and he said he'd be right with me. It was awkward. Then I smiled at Chance and said hi, and she didn't acknowledge me at all. Even more awkward. So I just stood there for like two minutes while he finished texting and he told Chance that whatever issue he was dealing with was taken care of, and she and the other lady left. So I finally got our tickets and we had stickers to put on, showing we were okay to be in the VIP area with the ones who paid to be there.

Dan took us, along with the four women he was talking to before I approached him, and a man and woman (also contest winners?) to the VIP area. He explained how everything was going to go, and what we were and were not allowed to do (such as don't eat the food because the VIP people paid for it and we didn't - but there's free popcorn and water). He was very nice about everything. He's also very soft spoken, and I had to ask Molly what he said a couple of times, because after so many concerts, my right ear is about useless.

So we had to wait until all the other fans had their meet and greets before it was our turn. When we lined up, Donnie and Jon peeked around the curtain, but it was just a second, not even long enough to wave at them. All eight of us went in together and it was, well, awkward.

We each hugged Danny as we went in, then everyone stood there quietly looking at each other and Danny. Finally, Danny asked if anyone wanted to take pictures. The group of four went first. While I was getting my phone ready, I accidentally took a selfie. While I was trying to delete it (Simple, right? But I was flustered and kept messing up. So dumb.), Danny held out his hand, so I took a couple steps toward him and... wait for it... tried to shake his hand. Not once, but twice when he lowered it and raised it again waiting for me to deal with my phone. What. The. Actual. Fuck. I didn't say anything stupid for once, but I did that. He was like, "I'm not trying to shake your hand. I'm reaching for your phone." God, I hate myself. So then I told Molly to take a picture with him first, and then I did. Then he suggested I get on his other side so we can take one with all three of us. My smile is goofy because I wanted to run away.

So then the last couple got their pictures and he signed some stuff for them, and that was that. It wasn't rushed at all, and I think he would've stayed and talked if any of us actually talked. At least I wasn't the only quiet one. It really could've been an awesome experience if I wasn't such a loser.

Pretty much all Molly said about it was, "He's so muscular. And cute." He really is. And much cuter in person somehow.

Next, Dan took us down to buy merch. I broke down and bought a shirt. I was going to wait until the tour was over and buy it cheaper online, but I was worried I wouldn't be able to get it in my size or something. So I went ahead and spent the $40. Then we went back to the VIP area until doors opened at 6:30.

We shared some chicken strips and went to our seats, which were great. I hate being on the floor when Molly is with me, because she can't see. So I was glad these were 3rd row lower arena, right next to the stage. It was perfect. Except for the giant woman who ended up right in front of me. She was standing a row down and was still a good three inches taller than me. Just my luck. So I spent the whole show looking around her. I haven't sat that far away at a New Kids show in years. No shame. But it was actually nice to be able to see the whole stage at once and see the whole production simultaneously. That was one con about being in the pit at the previous show.

But Molly had a great time. She loved Paula Abdul. Jon and Donnie waved at her, so that made her life. And Joe was right in front of us when they came out to the crowd, just out of reach.

So even if you think you'll never win, go ahead and enter every contest you can. You never know when luck will be on your side.

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