12. Mending

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12. Mending


They were gone. My friends were gone.

It was nearing seventh hour and I had no idea where they were. Funnily enough, this would've all been easier if I had a phone to contact them, granted if I had my phone there would be no need to contact them in the first place.

I was beyond frustrated at this point. I only had myself to blame, which only made it even worse. If Luke got into my phone, it would be game over. They would know everything. And what was stopping him? He would be curious and would no doubt look through the phone. I hated lying to Luke, and he had a particular vex regarding liars.

Yeah, he would definitely take the opportunity to get some answers.

I was currently trying to wrap my head around the explanation I would have to give to my friends when they saw everything. The lesson in class was going completely over my head, as I was completely elsewhere in my mind. I wouldn't be able to summarize what the lesson was about if I were paid to.

I figured the best thing to do would be to go to Luke's after school and see what's up. Them not being at school, or at least staying out of my sight, was already a red flag.

The class eventually came to an end about ten minutes later. Even though I knew it would prove useless, I still scanned the halls as I made my way to the last period of the day. There was some hope that my friends hadn't actually left and had simply been evasive during the school day, but as I neared my classroom, it became quite apparent that I was just being optimistic.

I let out of sigh of frustration and as I rounded a corner. I gasped when I suddenly ran into someone, almost giving them a dismissive "sorry," but paused when I saw who it was.

"Sayora," I breathed.

She looked conflicted for a moment. It was as if she couldn't decide if she were angry at me or a little relieved to finally see me since our date. However, that moment was only a moment indeed, and her facial expression settled on anger.

"Hi," she said insincerely.

"I've been wanting to talk to you," I said.

"Really?" she said, "cause we had a whole date where there was plenty of time to talk,but you bailed."

"I want to explain."

"Nothing you say is going to matter to me unless it's the truth."

Naturally, I wanted to claim that whatever it was that I was going to say was the truth, but I stopped myself because that would've been a lie.

What was a guy to do?

I didn't say anything to her, and I averted my gaze.

I heard Sayora scoff. "Goodbye, Ricardo."

She began to walk off, but I gently grabbed onto her arm, making her stop. "Please," I said helplessly, "don't leave me."

I looked back into her eyes, and again she looked conflicted.

We stood there a moment before she ultimately just shook her head and pulled her arm away from me, leaving me in the middle of the hallway in my sulking state.


Seventh period went by fast enough and just like sixth period, I had no idea what the lesson was about.

I raced to my car, anxious to get to Luke's house.

The drive didn't take long at all and when I pulled up I saw Luke's car outside.

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