32. The Video Diaries

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32. The Video Diaries


"What the hell do you mean?" I asked, bewildered at this revelation.

"You seriously didn't know?" Nathan seemed bewildered himself.

"How could that have happened?" I asked. "How could he have drowned?"

Nathan shrugged. "He was being weird the last night I saw him. He was sneaking out as usual, but he was telling me goodbye and that he'd miss me. Said he didn't belong here. I just thought that meant he was running away, but he had other plans."

"You're saying he killed himself?" Sayora asked.

"They found one of his shoes on the bridge above the river near the edge of town. Later they found his shirt drifting a mile and a half away," Nathan explained.

"But they never found a body?"

"The river stretches for twelve miles. They don't know what could've happened to the body in all of that. They suspect foul play, but there's nothing to suggest as much," Nathan said. "Nonetheless, the case has been unsolved for a very long time."

"When did this happen?" Sayora asked.

"Couple years ago," he replied. "Late March if I'm remembering correctly."

"The article was dated a little before Kevin disappeared," I added. "So between his escape and Kevin disappearing, Kyle drowned in that river."

"I suppose," Nathan said. "I still don't know who Kevin is though."

"Is there anything else at all you could tell me?" I asked.

Nathan thought this over for a second. "Nothing special, really. Aside from the fact that he'd been all secretive leading up to the night he left. He did mention destroying something hidden in the woods."

"Hidden in the woods?"

"Yeah, something about journals or diaries. Under some floorboards. Something like that, I don't know. He was a weird guy at times."


Nathan nodded. "That's about all I know, though."

"Don't worry about it," I said. "Thanks for your help."

I moved to leave the building with Sayora and Travis right behind me. I marched straight to my car and got back in the driver's seat.

"Do you believe that?" Sayora asked once she and Travis retook their spots.

"I don't know," I said. "I mean, if Kyle's dead, then it couldn't have been him that killed Danielle."

"No body was ever found, though," Travis pointed out. "How can we be so sure he's actually dead?"

"Is that realistic, though?"

"We all thought Kevin was dead for two years," Sayora said. "It's not too far out there."

I shook my head and sighed. "Do identical twins share the same DNA?"

"It's a very similar DNA structure at least," Sayora said. "I'm not an expert, but I wouldn't say it's one hundred percent the same."

"And how does DNA get tested?" I pressed.

"Percentages," she said. "Like how similar is someone's blood type to the blood found at a crime scene. Fifty perecent? Seventy-eight percent? Ninety? Etcetera."

"That's what I thought."

"Kevin can't really have a twin, can he?" Sayora asked. "It doesn't add up."

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