26. (Flashback #2)

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26. (Flashback #2)



Luke could hear the whimpers outside her door and he was extremely concerned. He knocked again, harder this time, prompting her to let him in. It didn't make sense why she wouldn't.

"Danielle, please open the door," Luke begged.

"Did she say what was wrong?" Jory asked.

"No," Luke said. "She just texted for me to come over. Now she's acting like she doesn't even wanna see me."

"She's crying obviously," Jory noted.

Luke tried the doorknob. It was locked.

"Danielle, babe, please open up."

He heard shifting coming from the other side, and then there were footsteps finally making their way over to the door. Luke and Jory heard the door unlock and Luke quickly pushed the door open.

Danielle was standing there, face placed in her hands and sobbing.

"Dani, what happened?!" Luke went over to her and embraced her tightly. "What's wrong?"

Danielle just shook her head, unable to make eye contact with Luke. She couldn't bring herself to. She was so ashamed. She felt sick.


"I... I can't," Danielle said through sobs. "I can't say."

"Why can't you?" Luke pressed.

"Danielle, what's going on?" Jory asked.

Danielle looked up at the sound of Jory's voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Luke and I were hanging out when he got your text," Jory said. "I drove him here."

Danielle sniffled and took several ragged breaths. Her face was red and wet from tears.

Luke was losing his mind seeing her like this. What the hell had happened?

Luke guided her over to her bed where he sat the both of them down. Jory continued standing, wanting to give Danielle a bit of space.

"Dani," Luke pressed. "Why are you so upset?"

Danielle finally looked Luke in the eyes and it was almost like he was being stabbed in the chest, seeing the way she was looking at him. She looked like she wanted to burst into tears again.

"I did something bad," Danielle cried. "I'm so sorry."

Luke shook his head. "What did you do?"

Danielle struggled to form coherent sentences as she was having trouble keeping her breathing steady. "I... I..."

"Take your time," Luke said.

Danielle forced herself to take a deep breath and calm down, at least a little bit before she continued. "Earlier today, I went to the deli not too far from here. I just wanted a quick bite to eat. That's all I wanted."

She began to trail off, averting her gaze, lost in the memory. Her lip was trembling and when she was speaking her voice was shaky.

"Go on," Luke said, gently.

"I wanted something to eat," Danielle continued, not even looking Luke in the face at this point. "So I'd ordered a sandwich to go. When it was done I was about to leave, but that's when..."

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