34. (Flashback #3)

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34. (Flashback #3)


Everything ached.

Kevin was left bloody and battered. His heart and head pounded alike. He was sure he looked like absolute shit.

He was still blindfolded, unable to see a thing. He'd wondered how long it had been since he was taken.

One hour? Two?

Where was Kyle? Could he have planned this? Kevin didn't put it past him. Kyle had been acting crazy; doing things that Kevin had to answer for.

Kyle was crazy, and Kevin regretted ever inviting him into his life. However, maybe if Kyle wasn't responsible for kidnapping and beating him, Kevin could rely on his help if he showed up. It had to be around the time he and Kyle were supposed to meet by now.

Kevin was able to use the knife his grandfather had gotten for him, a story he had told Kyle when they were first in communication; when things were good, to slowly cut at the ropes that restrained him. It was long, painful and treacherous work. The biggest struggle was getting his hands, bound together, to reach his back pocket in this position.

He could feel that the rope was almost ready to give way. He just needed to push on a bit more.

He was getting closer and closer, but then he heard a sound. The door to the shack cracked open.

"Who's there?!" He called out. "Kyle, is that you, bro?!"

There was no response other than the sound of the footsteps walking toward him, coming up from behind.

Kyle caught the panic that was threatening to overtake him and forced himself to stay calm.

"Kyle, if that's you, please say something!"

The footsteps made their way around the chair to stop directly in front of him. Then there was silence.

Whoever it was — Kyle or whoever had brought him here — was just standing there. And though he couldn't see them he could certainly feel their presence.

The scariest part was though; he knew this person was just watching him. Standing there completely still, and watching him.

He cut through the rope finally. He quickly went to take the blindfold off and was stricken with horror.

Staring back at him was a man in a mask.

Kevin's eyes were wide. His breaths were shallow and rapid. The man continued to just stare at him.

Kevin pointed his knife at the masked figure hovering over him.

"Who the hell are you?" Kevin demanded to know.

To Kevin's surprise, instead of answering, the masked man started walking away, back to the entrance of the shack.

Kevin turned himself, watching as he left the shack and went out into the night.

Kevin immediately went into action. He started cutting at the rope binding his legs together. It took much less time to do this as his hand were completely free now.

Once he was done he stood up and faced the door of the shack.

He edged to it, weary of the figure still being around. There was no way he had just left. But whatever the case was, Kevin was prepared to make a run for it. If he had to, he would fight.

He tightened the grip of his knife in his hand.

He got to the door and peeked outside. There was no one in sight. Maybe the masked guy had circled around? Kevin wasn't going to check to see if that were the case.

He stepped foot outside and as if on cue there was a blur from the corner of his eye. He turned in time to see that dreadful mask running toward him and he was tackled to the ground.

His pocketknife flew from his hand and his head slammed against the ground of the forest clearing. He winced in pain, but focused his eyes on his attacker.

A hand was around his throat now, and he gasped, struggling for breath and thrashing, trying to get from under whoever this was.

He noticed that his attacker had a knife of his own clutched in his free hand, and it was raised over his head, readied to plunge straight into Kevin's chest.

Kevin did not want to die.

Using all the strength he could, he grabbed hold of the attacker's sweater, gripped it tightly and did a hard roll, tossing the man off of him and rolling himself on top of him.

They wrestled for a moment. Kevin was trying to break free, but he was weak in his current state. Nonetheless, somehow, by some miracle, he was able to shake the guy off.

Kevin gave a forceful kick to the ribcage of the attacker, causing him to recoil, before he took off for the salvation of the trees surrounding.

He paused only a moment to turn and see the silhouette of the man getting up to his feet and turn to face him.

Kevin shuddered, then turned away again and started running. Surely, he would be chased but it didn't matter. He had a good head start. He would make it. He would live. He just had to keep running.

Just run, he thought. Just run!


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