18. SPI

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18. SPI


What possible lie could I tell to get myself out of this?

I probably looked like a madman and that thought was validated as I saw the look on my Mom's face. It was a look of terror, confusion and concern. As if the room was the worst and most horrifying thing she'd ever seen in her life.

Raymond, coming moments later, also in the doorway stared at me expectantly.

I kinda wanted to punch him in the face.

"I was just..." Words escaped me. There was no justification for this aside from the truth and I wasn't ready to start spilling it.


"What's that in your hands?!" Mom demanded, rudely interrupting me.

I looked down at the envelope as if it could answer for me. God, why'd she have to come now? She couldn't have waited to come home thirty more minutes?

Still, no believable excuse was coming to mind and I was beginning to feel anxious.

When I didn't answer, she walked toward me and snatched both the envelope and the letter from my hands.

"Hey!" I blurted in protest but she wasn't trying to hear it.

"What's gotten into you?!" She demanded of me. "What is this?!" She asked this as she waved the envelope.

I attempted to snatch the envelope back from her but she moved with surprising speed, pulling away before I could get a proper hold on the item.

Raymond then stepped into the room and took the envelope from Mom. "Yeah, Ricky, what is it?"

He was patronizing me and he knew it. He knew full well what the hell it was or at least had an idea. There he was, holding my only clue and what could I do about it?

The idea of simply attempting to take the envelope back again and running from the house was abandoned by the fact that just moments ago my own mother was able to dodge my attempt. There was no way I was going to get it back from Raymond head on.

The guy had ran track for all of his high school and college career. I would be no match for his speed.

"Screw this," I said and started to walk past them.

"You stop right there!" Mom commanded.

I turned to her with a roll of the eyes. "What?!" I spat.

"You are going to clean this room," She said sternly. "And then you are going to explain to us why you've done this. Your father will be home soon. When you're ready, we'll be waiting."

After that, she was the one to leave. Raymond followed, giving me a knowing look, envelope still in hand.

This was it. It was over. They were for sure going to read the letters before I had the time to piece everything together.

If they were somehow able to figure out that Kevin was alive, who knew what would happen? The letters could've revealed anything... everything!

Kevin didn't trust Mom and Dad for whatever reason. He had told me with his own words that he definitely didn't want them to know he was still alive.

And to top it all off, I still had to deal with the fact that my friends knew Kevin was alive and they were acting totally oblivious.

So what the hell was I going to do now?!

I looked around at the mess. No, it would have to wait. I needed to get shit done.

I quickly went to my room and through open my laptop. I quickly went to the browser and typed in the only other thing that stood out in my brain:

Kevin DiedWhere stories live. Discover now