21. The Shack

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21. The Shack


I was on my seventh shot.

The party raged on, and I was cheered on by Eddie and his friends. I knew I had to stop. I knew I couldn't drink too much, but for the first time in weeks, I was actually enjoying myself.

I didn't want it to end. In spite of Eddie and our past. In spite of everything that was going on.

I was having fun.

"Come on, man we have to do another," Phil said, pouring more liquor in the shot glasses.

"I don't think so," I said. I was feeling the effects of the alcohol already. The alcohol we were drinking was strong and it didn't take long to hit. There were already hints of my words slurring cause I was buzzed.

I was still self aware which was good, but if I kept drinking, there was no telling how drunk I'd end up tonight.

"Dude, one more shot," Adam suggested. "The night is still young!"

"Really, guys," I held my ground. "I think I'm good for the night."

"Don't be a party pooper!" Eddie chimed in, well past tipsy at this point. "We're having fun together, remember?"

"Eddie, I appreciate it but—"

"No 'buts,' mister!" Eddie interjected. "Do another."

"I can't."

Eddie frowned at me this time. I was worried in his drunken state he'd make this a bigger deal than it was. We had been getting along and I didn't want that to stop just because I was taming myself. Plus, I had to drive later on. Getting shit-faced was not on my agenda.

"Fine," he said finally. "Your loss!"

Then he'd taken the shot glass and downed its contents in one swift motion.

I spent the next twenty-five minutes hanging out in the kitchen. I was speaking to people I'd never spoken to before. I was joking and laughing with Eddie, Phil and Adam. I almost forgot that about all the bad things that had been going on in my life.


I checked the time. I still had over half an hour before I'd make my exit. The time was actually going by pretty quickly. Time flies when you're actually enjoying yourself.

There was a shrill sound suddenly that came from behind me, and I turned to see broken glass on the floor with Danielle and Like standing over it.

"Dammit, Dani looked what you just did," Luke said in annoyance.

"Oops," Danielle said with a giggle. She'd definitely been drinking a ton.

"It's no big deal," Eddie said approaching them, overly friendly. "Someone will clean it."

Then Eddie pointed to Adam. "Hey. Clean it!"

"Why me?" Adam protested.

Eddie shrugged.

Adam rolled his eyes, but no longer objected as he left in search for what I assumed was a broom.

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