16. New Mission

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I am so sorry for the lack of updates for this story! 😐

     I'll try to get a couple more out (maybe even five or more) during the winter break...please forgive me. I have been so busy with other stories and IB school work.

     Stay awesome. ❤️

     "How're you feeling?" I softly asked Kallie as she struggled to sit up in the hospital bed.

"Tired. Really tired," she giggled.

"I can see that," I sighed while glaring at the IV that was in her arm.

"And what have you been doing for the past day?"


"Not very productive," I lied with the straightest face possible.

"Mm hmm," she pursed her lips with an unsure expression.

Ask her what you wanted to ask in the first place.

"So...uh...w-what happened...?" I nervously fidgeted with my thumbs.

"Long story or short story?"

"Long." I requested. Kallie nodded.


(Hours earlier...)

"Wait here under I give a signal," Kallie instructed to the armed force of our organization. The team of eight nodded in her favour and readied themselves by loading their energy-powered guns.

Kallie swallowed anxiously as she looked up at the sky-scraping tower that had a dark aura of smoke and shadows hovering about. She adjusted her suit once more out of pure nervousness, and began her advance of the building. The top of her suit had no sleeves, I guess similar to Toby's, except she had a dreadfully long, silver line that ran down from the top of her back, all the way to the bottom. Just like the rest of us, Kallie had on a set of runners, but the edges of the bottom had a platinum silver lining, like the whites of a plain black Nike runner. She was told that this suit could melt, basically do anything that her body did whenever she needed to morph.

As she walked through the obscuring shadows, a hand was placed on her hip, where her "power belt" was. On the belt, she had these small silver balls, something like a melting ball, that could melt anything that it touched or made the slightest of contact with. At least, that was all she knew of it. An unsettling pit formed in her stomach as she spotted a glimpse of two guys standing at what seemed to be an invisible door. She could only make out a small and faint outline of a rectangle. Both guys had a gun in their possession, and both were wearing dark green body suits, similar to ours, except theirs were exactly identical. Easy peasy. Kallie smirked to herself.

Suddenly, two girls appeared: one with drastically short hair, with a single red streak, the other had decently long locks, pitch black in tone, braided very tightly. Like the boys, they all had the exact same suits. Both had these two metal fans in each hand, with deadly spikes on the edges. And deciding to not risk her own life to save the other four members of the Immune Squad, Kallie began to back off and call the Armed Force for back up. Never had she thought it would go horribly wrong the way it did. Much to her dismay, her foot had clumsy kicked at a tin can, quite cliche if you asked me, flinching with a nervous face as the can jangled and clattered on the pavement, revealing her presence to the four enemies.

"Get her." The short-haired girl pointed at the silvery lining of Kallie's suit.

"Shit!" She cried and turned to run. Only, a hand somehow managed to reach and grab her back.

She fell to the feet of the boy with red hair and green eyes, who towered over her with a menacing expression as he got his gun ready to execute her like the heartless person he seemed to be. The scariest part for Kallie was the fact that he seemed to be her age, maybe a bit older. Then, the girl with a braid cut in and stopped him just as he was about to pull at the trigger.

"Not yet."

Thank goodness...Kallie sighed quietly, her eyes still widened.

"We have to torture her first."

That was not the answer she was expecting.

A shattering wave of pain rumbled through Kallie as she clutched her arm in absolute pain. Another blow followed, even worse than the first. And that one was from the girl too. Unfortunately, she never realized the fans were also knives too, and cried out in pain as they began to stab her abdomen with them, making dreadfully shallow cuts and stabs. The two boys laughed with amusement as they started to hit her with the butt of their medium sized guns, which were about two feet in length. It was only when Kallie finally mustered the energy to cry out with a shrill of pain, that the Armed Force heard her pleads for help. And they managed to come her aid in time.


"And those guys were fucking teenagers too?" I covered my mouth out of pure shock.

"Yeah," she bit her lip softly before looking at me again.

A door slid open in front of us, and broke the dead silence.

"Daniel," Doctor Ivan gave me a stern look. "I hate to say this, but we need to send you out on a mission."

"But didn't you say-"

"Forget it," he sighed and brushed a hand through his hair. "Kallie's too weak to go out and fight again. And maybe you won't need any of your elemental powers for the mission anyway."

"Okay then..." I stood up from the stool. "What do I have to do?"

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