Chapter 8

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What the heck. Who's calling me? Is that a light? Everything's getting brighter.

"Hey. Brianna, are you okay? Wake up."

The voice. Is that Jazmine. It sounds so far away.

"Jazmine! Where are you?"

Another voice. Sounds like a guy.

"In here! Brianna's out cold."

"Oh my god! Move. Let me look at her."

Mom and Jazmine. The guy kind of sounds like Daniel.

"Is she going to be okay?" said Daniel, I think.

"I'm not sure. Get to my car and go in the........."

The voices. There gone.

It was getting dark, fast. At the same rate as the darkness the temperature seemed to drop. In no time I was freezing. Then realization hit me.

 No! No! Mom! Mark! Jazmine! Anybody! Please help me! I'm not ready to die! Help! I tried to scream but it was only in my head. I tried to wake up, move, anything, but it was to late.

There was no more light. No more voices. Just complete and utter darkness.


I was running. I looked around for shelter but saw nothing but sand. Mounds and mounds of it. The sun was beating down on me with killing intent. I heard loud footsteps behind me and I automatically knew who they belonged to.

I looked behind myself to see if he was close behind. My greatest mistake. What I saw scared me to death.

I saw him looking at me with a murderous face, fangs out, and an aura of death surrounding him. He wasn't that far behind but he was way to close for my comfort.

I ran harder, faster. I pushed myself to the limit. Then the scene suddenly changed.

I was in the middle of a forest. I ran over roots, under branches, and around trees. This change of scene seemed to slow him down which gave my a grateful sigh. But I didn't stop running. I would never stop until I'm completely safe and out of his grasp.

Ahead I saw a thorn bush. I looked to see a way out of it but there was none.

I can't give up. I can't let him catch me. I'd rather die.

I ran straight through the thorn bush and held in my screams of pain as the thorns tore at my clothes puncturing me left and right. They scraped deep, horrible cuts as I ran through the seemingly never ending bush.

Finally I came out the other side. I tried to run but collapsed. The pain was to much. My clothes were in tatters and I was bleeding a pool of blood into the ground. I tried to get up once again but the pain blinded my eyes. I heard foot steps behind me and I froze.

I felt a sudden kick to my side. I yelled in pain and fell onto my back. I looked up at him. His face was blurred but his fangs were clearly visible as they shown white in the darkness. He was wearing all black. I saw his chest rise and fall as he breathed. That's when it hit me.

He was playing with me. How could I have been so stupid. There was no way I could've out ran him. He's a vampire and vampires have super speed. He wanted me to think that I had a chance of being free. He wanted me to have hope just so he can crush it under his shoe.

He picked me up like I was nothing and smiled a wide smile. He extended his fangs to there full length and brought me closer to him while grabbing my hair to tilt my neck.

I kicked, punched, and screamed but it did nothing. His fangs grazed over my neck. He laughed while I shivered. I hated his laugh. It was menacing and devilish.

He put his mouth once again on my neck. He didn't do anything.

Maybe he was having second thoughts.

But he proved me wrong by digging his fangs deep into my neck. I've never screamed so loud.

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