Chapter 7

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"Very well then, lets go Jeremy" The blue cat, Arthur, said as he walked out the house. Mystery growled and followed. I ran out after them and stood by the door of the house. I saw them on the street growling at each other, then Mystery lunged at Arthur. Arthur swiftly dodged and tried to scorch Mystery with his flames but Mystery also dodged. I didn't know what else to do but stand at the door and watch, I didn't really wanna get in the middle of that I might get burnt but then again I wanted to help Mystery. I'll just wait for an opening I thought as I watched and waited. Mystery and Arthur kept on lunging at each other for a while until Mystery started to tire out. Arthur jumped at him one last time knocking Mystery down to the ground. Arthur's flames started to engulf Mystery's body as Arthur scorched him. I immediately knew I had to do something, I looked around for anything to use until my eyes landed on a metal pipe someone left lying in the grass. I quickly ran over to it and picked it up, It was damn heavy! I tried my hardest not to drop the pipe as I ran at Arthur. He was distracted by Mystery so he never saw me coming. I came behind him and whacked him across the head with it, instantly knocking him cold. Arthur's flames went out as his body fell to the floor. I dropped the pipe and ran over to Mystery. His fur was burnt and ash black. There were some spots of purple left in his fur but the rest was all burnt. He looked awful. I called the ambulance quickly and stayed next to Mystery as the ambulance came.

(Time Skip)

I waited in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Kao and Alfred sat with me, I called them after the doctors had taken Mystery in. "Dont worry (Y/N), Mystery will be fine" Kao said trying to cheer me up. I smiled a little but looked back down at the ground. Alfred just kept on looking at something on his phone. I dont think Alfred has fully accepted Mystery yet... but I guess him being here shows he cares for Mystery tho. We all stayed quiet until a doctor came out "Is Mystery okay?" I instantly asked jumping to my feet. "Hes fine but needs his rest, we did notice something strange and would like to question you about something." The doctor responded. I nodded as the doctor went on "Has Mystery ever had any weird blood transfers?" I stared at the doctor puzzled at the question. I looked over at Kao and Alfred for answers, they both just shrugged not knowing. "Not that I know of sir" I replied to the doctor. The doctor just nodded and walked away mumbling a few things. A nurse came out of the room next and smiled at us "You can come in now" she said softly. I followed the nurse with Kao next to me while Alfred trailed behind us. She stopped at room 102 and stepped to the side letting us go in. I walked in and stood next to Mystery, Kao came next to me while Alfred stayed at the door, peering in from there. Mystery was asleep, he looked a lot better, his fur was back to the purple it once was before. "See, what I tell you (Y/N)? He is fine" Kao said smiling up at me. I smiled back and looked back at Alfred. Alfred motioned it was time for us to go. We walked out, before we left the nurse informed me that Mystery should be able to leave in 2 days.

(Time Skip Again)

I came home only to be greeted by a blue cat still laying in the same place I left him. Did I really hit him that bad? I didn't kill him did I? Unsure of what to do I slowly crept up to Arthur. I stood next to him for a minute then relaxed once I knew it was safe and that he was unconscious. I looked around to see if anyone was passing by. I was surprised no one had noticed Arthur laying here all this time. I was debating whether to leave Arthur out here or bring him inside. He might hurt me or worse kill me, but the small guilt I felt at the idea of leaving him. I sighed and made my choice, (Y/N) you are far too nice, I thought as I knelt down next to Arthur and picked him up, trying not to drop him and drag him into the house.

(I finally updated yay! My god I need to get my lazy ass up and work on updating faster XD But yea, im getting huge writers block so I have no clue how this story is gonna end up. Sorry for the short chapter :')  Anyways goodbye for now, love ya all :P)

 Sorry for the short chapter :')  Anyways goodbye for now, love ya all :P)

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