Chapter 9

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So here I am, laying next to Mystery, facing away from him. After I had come upstairs and told him about Arthur I just sort of awkwardly came and layed on the bed with him. There was silence, no one spoke. It stayed silent for a bit until I heard Mystery shift and felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I stiffened and didn't move. He didn't move either, he just stayed there cuddling me in his arms. What the hell is he doing? I shifted over the best I could and stared at Mystery slowly realizing he was sleeping. I kept staring at him for a little more just to make sure he wasn't faking it. Once I was sure he wasn't I sighed and looked around the room. The moonlight from the window made it just light enough to see my wardrobe and door to the bathroom. I sighed once again and nuzzled into Mystery. He was so warm and fluffy, I felt a wave of sleepiness hit me as I lay there. I slowly closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.

(Time skip)

I woke up shivering, slowly opening my eyes. I looked around and realized Mystery wasn't next to me anymore. I was so cold without him....It was dark, indicating it was still somewhere in the middle of the night. I sat up and wrapped the blanket around me as much as i could, trying to keep warm. I sat there wondering where Mystery had gone until I heard loud coughing coming from the bathroom. I slowly got out of the covers letting the cold bite against my skin and put my feet down on the carpet. He could just be doing his business in the bathroom I shouldn't disturb him. I sat there slowly going back to the covers until I heard hard heaving and coughing again. Yeah that definitely doesn't sound okay, I thought as i got up to go and check on him. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked "Mystery? Everything okay in there?" I asked. There was silence then coughing again "y....yea....i.....i....fine!..." I heard Mystery say weakly. Fine my ass! I thought as I reached to open the door only to see it was locked. "Mystery! Open the door" I called out. " go....away!...dont!....come in!" he replied as I heard him go into a loud fit of coughing even more. I looked around the room and found a hairpin. I stared at the lock trying to remember how to pick a lock. I tried my best and after a few attempts I managed. I opened the door to find Mystery clinging onto the sink, a black inky liquid was all over the sink and mirror. Mystery's eyes were back to that black scary ass look. He stared at me and growled "I not to.....come in.." He said heavily as he kept growling. I was a little scared of his glare but pushed my fears aside "Im gonna call an ambulance just hang on...." I said as  i turned to go grab my phone. I didn't go far as I felt a clawed hand dig into my arm and pull me back. I fell back onto the floor, back hitting the floor first, now in huge pain as Mystery got on top of me, still growling. I was scared beyond belief now. Mystery wrapped his hands around my neck choking me "I didn't ask for help nor do I need it!" He growled as his grip around my neck tightened. I was losing air quickly and my vision was blurring. I clawed at his hands trying to escape, I was fighting to stay awake but soon my body gave in and everything went black..

(Another time skip)

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the sunlight on my face. I rubbed my eyes and slowly got up but regretted it instantly as I felt a sharp pain shoot through my back. I winced in  pain but then soon the memories of last night came back. I got up trying my best to ignore the pain as I went over to the bathroom. I threw the door opened and my eyes widened in surprise. There was no black inky substance anymore on the sink and mirror. Everything was clean. I looked at the mirror and my reflection. There was a bandage around my neck, my fingers gently traced over it as I hissed a little in pain. What happened to Mystery...? Where is he? I looked around my room, he was nowhere. I went downstairs. He wasn't in the lounge room but I did notice Arthur left like he said. Thank god Arthur is gone, now back to trying to find Mystery.  I let out a sigh of relief as I saw Mystery in the kitchen. I was a little hesitant but spoke anyway "Mystery.....?" He turned around and looked at me " breakfast..." he said as he placed a plate with food on it on the table. I sat down and ate quietly as he sat opposite me. Was that a dream last night...? No it wouldn't be since im in pain and he seems a little off. After I finished eating I decided to ask about last night " about last night Mystery.." I saw his mood sink even more as I brought it up. "What was weren't yourself..?" I said hesitantly. I watching him as he looked down at his hands, I noticed he had crosses on his hand. "I...I dont know whats wrong with me...." He spoke. Well....thats great... not even he knows what that was about. Should I get him to a doctor or something, cause I mean I doubt its normal to start spewing black inky shit all over the bathroom. "Lets get you to a doctor...." I said hoping he doesn't try to kill me again. He just shook his head "No, I dont know what they will do to me" He said, fear all over his expression. True he has a point but how else am I going to help him.... Thats when I remembered Alfred. He's a doctor right? Well a surgeon but he should have enough medical knowledge to be able to help. After all Alfred is a friend, im sure he wont take Mystery into experimentation like other scientists and doctors. I quickly got my phone out and texted Alfred

(Y/N): Hey Alfred i know this is sudden but may I come over, I need to tell you something.

It didnt take long for Alfred to reply.

Alfred: Uh Sure. (insert random address) is where I live. You can come whenever you want.

(Y/N): Thank you Alfred! Cya soon!

Alfred: heh, no problem. Cya.

Turning off my phone I looked back up at Mystery seeing him staring at me. "Alright Mystery get up we are going to get you some help!" I said as I got up and grabbed my bag. He gave me a small glare but then sighed and got up without any complaints. I got my keys and we walked out as I locked the house. I was about to start walking until I stopped and realized I still don't know my way around in this world. I turned to Mystery, seeing him watching me and waiting. "So uhh.... can you take us to this address?" I asked sheepishly. Mystery sighed and face palmed, then took a look at the address I was showing him. "This way dumbass" He said as he began to lead the way.

(IM ALIVE!! *readers start yelling and throwing knives at me* okay less alive, but yea sorry for no update in so long. School had me busy, had like 8 exam test thingies to do in the last few weeks of school so I kinda devoted my time to them, im sorry.... but now that im on holidays that means more updates! Also I know some people were expecting a lemon but let me just tell you one thing. I. Suck. At. Writing. Lemons. So yea, I dont think there will be lemons in this story, idk maybe. Also there has been one comment that has been standing out to me for a while and that comment is by...

 Also there has been one comment that has been standing out to me for a while and that comment is by

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Now where is Rex? Thats a good question.... I have no clue. To be honest I completely forgot about him but ill try and add him in, somehow....Maybe..... I actually have no clue how im gonna add Rex but ill try for you. 

Anyways thank you all so much for 3.3K reads, I honestly didnt think this story would get so far but anyways thank you again and lets hope my lazy ass updates soon ;P )

3K reads, I honestly didnt think this story would get so far but anyways thank you again and lets hope my lazy ass updates soon ;P )

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