Chapter 2

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The lobby was empty as we walked in. "The hospital is always less busy this time of day" Kao says as he notices me looking around the empty lobby. I nod slightly. "strange... I wonder where the boss is? He normally meets us this time in the lobby.." Alfred said. "Maybe he is just late this time" Kao continued. Just then we heard the doors open. I looked back and saw a certain purple cat. "Hello Hello!~" The person who walked in said. The guy from the park...Mystery was it? Is he their boss? "My name is Mystery! And im your new boss~" Mystery spoke as he stood by the door doing one of those dramatic poses people in anime do when they are introducing themselves. Heck i wouldn't be surprised if a spotlight and some flowers started falling around him. All i could do is stand there and look at him with a wtf are you doing look. "what..Is he...he? No it cant...Im pretty sure hes dead...." Alfred whispered, I saw him shrink back in fear. Am i missing something? Kao looked confused for a moment but then oh'ed as if he just remember who Mystery was. I stared at Mystery as he walked right past me and Kao straight to Alfred. Alfred shrunk back as Mystery smirked "hey there, whats wrong? did you miss me? My best friend~" Mystery spoke as he  put his hand out reaching to touch Alfred's face. I saw Alfred shrink more back until suddenly his fear turned to anger and he slapped Mystery's hand away. Okay well Mystery definitely ain't Alfred's friend. "No i didnt! And how the hell did you find me?!" Alfred yelled at Mystery. Mystery's smirk fell "oh i searched for you for 20 years" he spoke as if it was normal to search for one person for 20 years. "after all thats what best friends do right?" Mystery kept going. "We are not best friends!!" Alfred yelled louder at him. Oh no, this isn't gonna end well if this keeps up. " down guys.." I try to interrupt but get ignored. Well fuck you guys too im trying to stop a fight here dont ignore me! "YOU KILLED MY PARENTS WHEN I WAS JUST A CHILD!!" Alfred suddenly bursted out. Well things just went from 50 to 100 real quick. Hold the fucking phone... Mystery murdered Alfreds parents????? And i was in the park alone with him!!? Jesus should we call the police? Do they even have police in this world? I havent seen any yet.... Okay back to the fight. "AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BOSS? WAIT LET ME GUESS, YOU KILLED HIM TOO?!!?" Alfred kept yelling at Mystery. This time Mystery shrunk back, face full of guilt and hurt. This really needs to stop. I look over at Kao for help but he was just standing there full of fear. Some help he is... looks like i need to stop this fight... "Alfred...please forgive me....I just thought it was the right thing to do..." Mystery whispered. "Well you were wrong" Alfred said coldly. "Please I will fix everything this time!Just please... give me the time.." Mystery spoke as he hugged Alfred clinging to him for dear life. This was actually kinda depressing to watch. I mean Mystery did murder his parents and all that but cmon Alfred give the poor guy a chance? "Grow up, go away and this time LEAVE ME ALONE" Alfred yelled again pushing Mystery away from him. Mystery looked down at the ground his hair covering his face. "hey guys lets stop this..." I tried to calm them down again taking a step closer, but instantly regretted it. "Im not going to..." Mystery whispered again as he looked up. Jesus fucking christ I jumped back, the white in his eyes is now black and now also the blue eye was a cross. Well Alfred buddy u made him pissed off. "GUYS!!!" We all heard a voice yell out. We turn our gaze and see Kao standing there. Finally he tries to help, where the hell was that help earlier before Mystery turned to Mr.scary. "Stop attacking each other! it just makes things worse! lets just go back to work" Kao continues trying to put on a small smile. Mystery stared at Kao and walked over to him. "so he replaced me with you..." Mystery whispered staring at Kao. Oh god "Kao.." I whispered trying to give him a hint to back down. Mystery did not look happy and I doubt anyone of us should say anything else, i really have a bad feeling about this. "What?! He didnt replace you, he just moved on" Kao raised his voice slightly. I mentally face palmed. Does anyone here know that we shouldn't pour more gasoline into the fire? For gods sake! "I must be his only friend.." Mystery whispered again far from being sane. Suddenly Mystery's arms turn black and his fists get bigger. Well great flippin nuggets we are all dead. Mystery punches Kao into a wall instantly knocking him out. "Kao!" I yell out as i ran over to him to make sure he is fine. Well to be honest who the hell would be fine from a punch like that. I checked him to see if he was bleeding or hit his head to hard, luckily he was gonna be okay, he wasnt bleeding. I looked back to see Alfred a little shocked and scared but then he yelled out again "Jeremy!! Dont you think thats a bit much!!". "Dont 'Jeremy' me" Mystery spoke suddenly right in front of Alfred. Mystery grabbed Alfred and held him up, squeezing him. "hey...wait a second, I get it im sorry could you let me go now?" Alfred spoke now clearly in fear. I wanted to do something, I needed to get up and do something to help him, but my legs wouldn't respond. "no, beg for your life~" Mystery spoke. This guy is fucking nuts! I shakily stood up my legs still not half responding. I need to help Alfred! Alfred stayed quiet, "Beg. for. your. LIFE!!!" Mystery yelled each word he spoke he tightened his grip around Alfred. Suddenly Alfred coughed out a pool of blood. "Alfred!! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW JEREMY!!!" I yelled out louder than i thought I could. Mystery stopped squeezing Alfred and looked over to me. Fuck im screwed. I swallowed my fear and spoke again "I dont think this is how you should treat your best friend!! If you were really friends you wouldnt hurt him!!" Mystery stared at me for a moment then dropped Alfred down. Alfred fell to the floor coughing out more blood. I wanted to run over and hug Alfred telling him its okay but right now i had to deal with this purple motherfucker. Mystery started walking over to me. Yep, chicken nuggets this is where i die... He stopped just in front of me, well at least his hands are back to normal and so are his eyes. He looked back at Alfred then back at me. He opened his mouth to say something but then stopped and started walking over to the door. "I'll leave you alone for now... have fun cleaning everything, see you tomorrow~, oh by the way girl, its Mystery, not Jeremy" He spoke as he walked out. I finally let out a breath that i didnt know i was holding. Alfred went back into a fit of coughs as more blood came out. I ran over to him "Alfred!" I said as i came next to him, kneeling down to make sure he was fine, not caring that i was getting my knees bloody. "Y-yes... thank you... for stepping in..." He said through breaths as he slowly calmed down. From the corner of my eye I could see Kao shift awake "Alfred...." Kao spoke. "Mystery did this..?" Kao continued as he walked over next to Alfred and me. Alfred nodded slightly as he gave one more little cough.

Mystery's POV

"Alfred!! STOP THIS RIGHT NOW JEREMY!!!" A yell suddenly broke me out of whatever trance I was in. I stopped my tight grip on Alfred and look over to where the voice came from. Ah...its the girl from the park....never thought i would see her again. Fear was all over her features. Am i really that scary? "I dont think this is how you should treat your best friend!! If you were really friends you wouldnt hurt him!!" She yelled at me again. Shes right, Alfred is my 'best friend' i shouldnt be doing this... Oh god what have i done? I drop Alfred not wanting to do anymore damage to him. I start to walk over to the girl, shifting back into my normal form. I stopped for a second and took in her features, then i looked over at Alfred. What should i do now... what the hell have I done... I look back at the girl opening my mouth wanting to say something but decide against it. I should probably leave for now, yeah thats right. When i come back tomorrow everything will be fine, right? I started walking over to the door but before I went out i called back to them "I'll leave you alone for now... have fun cleaning everything, see you tomorrow~, oh by the way girl, its Mystery, not Jeremy" and with that said I walked out. As soon as i was out of there I ran. I ran to the nearest alleyway and sat down in the corner hugging my knees. It wasnt supposed to be like this... I was supposed to find Alfred and we were meant to be best friends again. I didnt want to hurt him... Why have i made my life like this... Why did i do all this.... I just wish everything would go back to being simple, back when we were younger and Alfred and me were still best friends.....I sighed and i put my head on my knees and cried. I cant remember how many times i have cried....I wish me and Alfred could be friends again.....

(Fucking hell this chapter is a mess! Also sorry for my swearing but yea, when you get writers block and just start writing random shit. Well thats it for this chapter, you finally got to learn Mystery is a killer. I kinda feel bad for him tho, all he wants is his friend back T~T poor guy. Also heres a random pic of Mystery and Alfred cause why the fuck not? Art not mine >_>)

 Also heres a random pic of Mystery and Alfred cause why the fuck not? Art not mine >_>)

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(Bye now :P )

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