Chapter 8

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I dragged Arthur into my house and placed him on the couch. Then I face planted onto the floor puffing, bloody Arthur is heavy as! I checked Arthur's head making sure I didn't actually injure him really badly, luckily I didn't. I didn't know what to do but stare at him. Is he gonna kill me when he wakes up? Suddenly I heard him shifting awake. I started to panic and run around the house looking for something to use against him if he actually attacks me. Not finding anything I ran to the kitchen and got a pan to use like those idiots in movies do. I slowly walked back to the couch pan above my head ready to strike if I must. Arthur slowly got up and rubbed his head muttering a few curse words. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on me. We started at each other for a moment until he yelled at me "You bitch! You fucking knocked me out cold!" I was a little scared, ready for him to lunge at me but he winced in pain instead and rubbed the back of his head again. "What the fuck did you hit me with anyway?" He asked this time a lot calmer then the outburst before. "A-a metal pipe..." I replied. He mumbled a small 'fucking hell' then lay back down on the couch. I stayed in my fighting stance and slowly walked closer to him. he stared up at me and spoke "calm down princess, im not in the mood to burn anyone.." With that said he rolled over so he wasn't facing me. I didn't know if this was some kind of trick to get me to drop the pan or not.... I just sighed and went to put the pan back. I came back to the couch, Arthur still laying down. He looked like he was sleeping, I wasn't actually sure. I came closer to see if he was sleeping. I stared at him for a moment until I realized he was actually asleep, wtf... I just sighed and went to my room.

(Time skip)

I was now making dinner, surprisingly Arthur was still here and still sleeping. I feel like I should kick him out soon....but I dont wanna make him mad and have him burn down my whole house. Still tho, I have Mystery to take care of, I dont want another person to take care of. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. I looked behind to see Arthur staring at me yawning slightly "Mornin princess" He said as he went and sat down at the kitchen table. "Whats for dinner?" He asked. I really wanted him to leave but was scared to ask in case he would go psycho and scorch the entire place. I was about to reply to Arthur until I heard the front door unlock and open. Who the hell could that be, I have the key and no one else, except I gave the spare key to.....Mystery... I peered out the kitchen and looked over at the front door and it was indeed Mystery. What is he doing out of Hospital so early? "Mystery why the fuck are you here? You should still be at the hospital recovering!" I said. His ears perked up from hearing my voice, he turned and looked over at me.  "Hello nice to see you too" He replied. The hospital wouldn't of let him out early unless.... He secretly snuck out, god dammit Mystery. I could hear footsteps coming from the kitchen towards Mystery and me. Fuck how could I forget, I have Arthur here and last I checked these two dont get along... I could see Mystery freeze as he stared at Arthur who was leaning against the hallyway to the kitchen. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Mystery hissed at Arthur. "Well hello again Jeremy, how was your experience in being roasted" Arthur smirked as he stared at Mystery, clearly wanting to provoke him. "Bastard!" Mystery yelled at him. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TWO START FIGHTING AGAIN! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP CHILDREN AND GET ALONG FOR ONCE WHILE I MAKE DINNER!" I yelled at them. Surprisingly they listened and both shut up. I could still feel the negative aura emitting from both them. I walked back into the kitchen continuing to make dinner. I could hear Mystery and Arthur walk over to the couch. "Bastard give me the fucking remote!" I could hear Mystery yelling. "No~ Come and get it~" Arthur said back. I could hear them running around the lounge room while Mystery yelling insults at Arthur. I swear these two are going to drive me mad.

(Time Skip)

We finished eating dinner in an awkward silence. I stared at Arthur and Mystery wondering what to do now. Then I remembered something "Arthur... Dont mean to be rude but... can you get out now?" I asked, trying to sound nice. "Nah sweetie, cant get rid of me that easy" He spoke as he walked over at the couch. Mystery was giving me a glare saying 'if you dont get him out the house soon im going to murder him'. Arthur lay down on the couch and called out "Ill be gone by morning princess, dont worry" Mystery sighed and went upstairs to my room. Now time for me to go to sleep....wait...Arthur has got the couch so that leaves me with...either sleeping somewhere on the floor or with Mystery..... I starting to think which option I should take and then sighed.. I'm sure Mystery wont mind for one night... Also whats the worst that could happen? I mean we slept together on the couch before this should be no different? I sighed again and started to walk upstairs. I reached my hand out and knocked...

(Yay 2 Chapters in 1 day! Actually am bored rn so decided to write this XD Anyways here you go guys another chapter, I wonder what will happen with you and Mystery next ;P)

(Yay 2 Chapters in 1 day! Actually am bored rn so decided to write this XD Anyways here you go guys another chapter, I wonder what will happen with you and Mystery next ;P)

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