Chapter One - Better than Ever

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Black fake leather boots walking down the hallway of Blackwell Academy with black fake leather pants with skulls on them and a white top with a cool quote on it. Long purple hair turning into blue at the height of my chin going down to my stomach and covered in some shitass tattoos. Dark make up and a silver piercing at the left side of her bottom lip. That my friends it the work of three years.

I went from the sweet, little brunette with the LOVE necklace around her neck to the girl that covered her body because she was ashamed of the scars on her arm to this punk princess. That I call a transformation. I was definitely not the same girl anymore and that's why I didn't go by my birth name anymore. I didn't identify with it anymore.

And for the ones who were wondering, I did go back to attend Blackwell Academy, just in my Senior Year. Let me sum up for you what happened after therapy. The day they released me, I called Frank to pick me up. I didn't want to put up with my mom or David, since she was still dating that tool. No, Frank didn't drive me home right after. We also didn't leave Portland immediately. We drove through the city in the RV. I have no idea how to describe how big Pompidou had become.

Afterwards we drove a little more through the U.S. taking a detour through the south of Canada, before he wanted to return home to Arcadia Bay, but I didn't want to. I refused to, so I left. I traveled around myself, gathered the experience I so desperately needed. I might have been homeless for quite some time as well, but returned back home eventually. And with back home I mean Frank's RV. In that period of time I had already changed quite a lot. I already had a few tattoos that a professional I befriended did for free. Back with Frank, I got a lot more tattoos and dyed my hair and I am not planning on going back to my brown color any time soon.

Oh and Nathan and I broke up. A long time ago actually. I think that happened when I was in therapy. We agreed that we were too young for long distance and that we won't make it till the end of my treatment, but we agreed that we'll try it again after I have returned. That obviously didn't happen. Actually, Nathan and I haven't spoken one word since I'm back. I guess he doesn't recognize me, even Principal Shithead didn't when I appeared in his office at the beginning of the school year. Gladly he respects my wish of calling me Ronnie or at least Veronica. Something that also changed was that I got back into photography, mostly landscape. I like taking pictures of the beach at sundown, it's magical how the colors of the sky change from their bright blue to the dark one. Frank was already annoyed by me taking all the space in the RV up with my photos, but I'll save this story for another time.

"Yo Ronnie" Justin Williams, one of my friends at Blackwell called. I think he was friends with Chloe at one point as well. "What's up dude?" I asked, doing our handshake. "Can you get me more of that stuff you got me last time?" He asked. "You're just friends with me because of that? Good to know, besides I'm not a dealer" I said and walked off. "Ronnie, you know I didn't mean it like that? Came hang with Trevor and I. The skater dudes miss you" He said. I'm serious, Justin sounds high 24/7. "Catch ya later" I said and walked off. I wanted to be early for the photography class for a change.

I entered the room and walked to the back, where the table was that I shared with another student. She is new here and barely talks to anyone. It's always her and her camera. I kinda like her. She's different and that's something good. Especially a place where everyone seems the same.

"You're early" It was her. Max something. "Yeah, no reason to piss off another teacher. Only a matter of time until Wells informs my parents, which wouldn't be so great" I told her. "Why so? Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy" She said. "Hey, it's cool. It's great to not talk about drugs for once" I joked. "Hey, I thinks it's cool you take your photos with an instant camera. They bring back great memories for me" I said. "Do you want to take a selfie?" She asked and I smiled "Definitely!"

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