Ch.1: Earth

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"Don't focus on the metal itself." Oozed the warm voice of the old metal bender. "Focus on the Earth inside it and use that to shape the metal into whatever you desire." Logan focused all his energy on the task he was given. Soon enough, he could feel the metal twist and turn like clay in his palm.

"Ah, yes very good as usual Logan." The voice from his kind mentor came. Logan's face twisted into a prideful smile before another's voice interrupted his moment of joy.

"Oh come off it, he's good at everything never gives us the chance at glory." The mentor, Misses Tsubaki turned her head slightly at the voice of the other pupil. Her gray hair tied neatly in the same jade pin she wore bobbed up and down as she went to check the other's work.

"Your metal my dear,is not true to your hands. You're more suited for coal and sand. The Earths's natural material." The sandy haired girl scowled at the elder. "It's not that, I'm sure! It's your teaching. I will find a better mentor to teach me!" The girl remarked before stomping out the door making a few pots shiver in the process.

"Misses Tsubaki, it's nice getting praise but, I have to ask." Logan inquired setting the metal back down at its rightful place in its rightful form. "Do you favor me on purpose? It just doesn't seem fair to the others."

Tsubaki didn't seem phased by the question. Instead, she sat down on a seat and motioned Logan over. He reluctantly followed trusting his teacher. "Young man, give me your hands." She reached out and softly grazed Logan's palms. "I favor you because, you have great potential."

Logan nodded but, the elder shook her head. "Let me finish." She continued. "You are destined to be a part of something great but, your path will not be an easy one. You'll find your answer soon enough, young one." She let go of Logan's soft hands in favor of folding her wrinkled ones.

Logan not being understanding of what she was saying and doubtful anything great would happen to him. He thanked her and left his lesson only to reel over her words.

"You'll find your answer soon enough."

What did she mean exactly? What was so great about him that he had to embark upon a treacherous path? He decided to push his thoughts off to the side and take a walk to clear his mind.


The market place was usually loud but, not this loud. Why were there so many people running around anyways? Carts filled with fruit were busting against rocks on the dirt road and music from the instrument shop was less prominent than usual.

Suddenly, "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" A cabbage cart pushed by a man way too slender to be running with that many cabbages raced next to Logan almost knocking him down in the process. Before, he could see what the commotion was a strong gust of wind and a blur of orange actually knocked him off his feet and onto his side.

Loud giggles and snorts could be heard vanishing in the background getting farther away.

What was that? Logan stood up brushing himself off and heading his way home Until, he felt a sensation almost like someone was grabbing his arm and pulling him towards a location.

Logan, curious followed the tug until he found the same blur. Except, it wasn't a blur at all. It was a male around his age dressed in airbender clothing feeding a cabbage to a small lemur on his shoulder. The boy looked straight at Logan and stared for a moment, hazel eyes fixed on a shocked position and his lips parted slightly. His blue tattoos made a soft glow as the boy began to smile at him.

"Heyo! I'm Patton! Who are you?"

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