Ch.4: Water

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There was a certain feeling of suffocation that comes with water bending. At least, that's what Virgil thought.

For him, bending was something sacred, only mastered by few. He had the certain feeling that he wasn't worthy of that power. But, here he was...making a strip of water float in thin air.

Virgil wasn't anything to be gawked at. He could barely freeze water into ice. Sometimes, he couldn't bend at all and just gave up. Usually storming away and throwing something in frustration.

Even with his little skill in bending, the hush of fear still grew over the world from the slightest flicker of a candle or the tiny roll of a pebble. So, he was coddled by the few water benders in the southern water tribe.

Years and years of suffocation and being watched gave way to a sort of fearful and impulsive behavior in the young water bender. Until, he evacuated the careful eyes of his fellow benders and fled the south.

Heading somewhere but not knowing where Virgil felt freedom for the first time. He also felt fearful of what lies ahead and kept himself guarded.


Ba Sing Se....

He had heard about it from a passing conversation. He decided, that's where he would go. Maybe start a new life, try to take up water bending again?

He didn't realize how dangerous it really was...

He didn't realize how looked down upon water bending was...

He didn't realize that...

He was naive.


Having the back of your skull pushed up against a brick wall hurt. Virgil didn't care how fantasized and painless actors made it out to be. It was painful as hell.

"Argh!" Pain shot through him like a jolt of electricity.

"Tell me! Were you going to blood bend us?!" Shouted one of the goons that had him cornered. What? What was blood bending? Virgil had never been in so much panic.

" Wh-what? " He managed to choke out a strained sentence before gasping for air. The hand around his neck was uncomfortably tight. The group of four were in full sight now.

There was the slightly more heavier male that was choking him, two other men and a muscular woman. They all stared at him, eyes like daggers. But, there was something he could see in their expressions that he couldn't quite read. It sent adrenaline through his system.

"We can't take any chances. I suggest we lock him up somewhere with no water. Even now, he is still a threat." The woman spoke still staring into Virgil, as if she could see his soul.

...They were about to knock him out. It would be just taken one good blow and he'd be gone...lost to consciousness. Until,

"I'd recommend putting him down."

There was a voice, sounding much like his own and then there was a pull. Not an uncomfortable pull but, rather a gentle tug. Something guiding him towards the direction of the voice. It was peaceful. Serene.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as he was dropped to the ground and felt the fervent heat of flames against his skin. A gentle glow swept through the alley he was located in. Then it was gone...

Replaced by the tug again and arms carrying him away. His brain tried to process what happened yet, the adrenaline he felt ceased him the ability to think properly.

He was finally placed down gently and met with a face he'd never seen before but felt like he knew. Many emotions flickered across both of their faces.

Virgil tried to say anything. Something to attach him to reality. Then he felt the tug, stronger than before.

"Do you feel that?"

The man looked down at his chest and placed his hand gently over his heart.

"Yes, I do." Came a gentle reply.

"My name's Virgil..."

" Roman. "

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