Spring, When New Things Grow: Part 5

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"You were on the roof at daybreak?" Galina asked curiously. "What were you doing up there?" We were in her sitting room, and she'd dismissed her personal guards. As I'd suspected, my movements were being reported to her.

"Yes. I miss feeling the sun," I said with a shrug. "And it's a quiet place to think."

"And what have you been thinking about?"

"Well, today I've been wondering what Nathan and Marko have to say to one another that needs to be said outside. Twice I've seen them slinking off to talk with one another privately."

Nathan was probably the closest Galina had to a second, although I knew she didn't trust him. Marko was one of the seniors charged with organizing the meeting in a month's time.

"Do you think I need to be concerned?" Galina asked looking at me carefully.


From my observations, I'd determined all Strigoi were ambitious, to an extent, but like many Moroi, Dhampir, and humans they weren't going to waste energy pursuing supremacy if their needs were already being satisfactorily met. Nathan was cut from a different cloth. He was the type that needed to be in charge. He craved power. While he might play along in a subordinate role for a while, eventually he'd make his play to usurp Galina.

"He reminds me of Nikita," I explained, referring to a student we'd both known at St Basil's. Unfailingly ambitious, Nikita's abilities hadn't been on par with his sense of entitlement, and he'd come spectacularly unstuck. "Nathan is a lot smarter, but he has that same need Nikita did," I explained.

"So what do you suggest I do?" Galina queried shrewdly, and something about it seemed familiar. Like the way she used to quiz me when I was a student, and she already knew the answer. Either she was already aware of a plot involving Nathan and Marko, or it was a test. Whichever the case, what I was saying was not news to her, but I could tell she was pleased I had picked up on it.

"You could kill one or both of them," I started, "but if there is a plot, you won't know how deep the rot has spread. Maybe the gardeners need to put some microphones outside? They like to talk in the rose garden..."

"And then?"

"Find out what they're planning, thwart it and use them as a public example to remind the army that you demand absolute loyalty. Maybe at the meeting?" I suggested, knowing such a plan would appeal to Galina's showmanship and sense of occasion.

"Who do I put on the job to investigate? You?" Another test, but this time I was expecting it.

"No. Nathan is already suspicious enough of me. He knows we have a history, so he'll be careful when I'm around. Look for someone with a similar personality among the newly awakened. Probably a Dhampir who agreed to be awakened as soon as they got the offer. Someone he has no reason to suspect. Present it to them as a special project with a chance to gain favor with you. Nathan pays no attention to any of the junior ranks. If you choose someone unremarkable, he's unlikely to even notice them. Place them in close proximity to Nathan, but not directly interacting with him. It's easy to gather information when you're all but invisible.

"As for Marko? Keep an eye on what he's doing. If he suggests anything unusual for the meeting, then it's probably significant and worth paying attention to. Check the orders he's giving to the human security forces, too. But don't let him know you're watching or suspect him. He strikes me as a lot less clever than Nathan, so you're more likely to get an idea of the details of any plan through him."

Galina looked thoughtful.

"Today he suggested accommodating some of the visiting awakened outside in temporary lodgings. He said we didn't have enough room for everyone to stay inside the main building," she revealed.

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