Spring, When New Things Grow: Part 32

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"Can you please come and try to talk some sense into her, Celeste?" the worried Russian voice concluded, whispering into the phone. "She just won't listen to me!"

I laughed looking around my room. It had been a tiring day running around on the field tackling and being tackled by Novices. A long shower, some junk food and a night in my room watching trashy TV was very tempting. But I hadn't seen Rose and Dimitri since they'd arrived back, and I knew they were only here for a few days.

"Sure. Give me fifteen minutes to shower and get into something other than this filthy clothing, and I'll be there," I promised.

Stripping off, I climbed into the shower setting the water to almost scalding. Washing my short hair, I let suds run down over my back and chest, closing my eyes and imagining a man standing behind me, pressing his naked body up against me, reaching around to soap my breasts. Not just any man. In my fantasies, it was Art Schoenberg. Not that there was any chance of that happening, I thought to myself with a derisive snort.

I opened my eyes with a sigh. I'd seen Art on campus today. He'd been supervising the trials. It hadn't occurred to me he'd be there, so I hadn't been looking out for him in the Guardian's hut when I came in to put on a fresh shirt after that filthy grub Aylett had torn mine when I'd taken him down. I'd stripped my long-sleeved black shirt off, and was standing in a very tight crop bra when I realized I wasn't alone; Art was standing at the coffee station pouring himself a mug. Now normally I'd have relished the opportunity to 'accidentally' undress in front of him, but I looked horrible. The guy had seemed like a deer caught in headlights, stammering an apology before leaving the hut as quickly as possible, leaving his coffee behind. Not the sort of reaction I'd have hoped for.

Stepping out of the shower, I looked at my naked form in the mirror as I toweled down. I was still young, and my body didn't show any telltale signs I'd borne a child nine years ago. My breasts were relatively perky, and lots of ab work had brought back my flat toned stomach. I wasn't fooling myself I was any stunner, but I got my fair share of admiring glances. Shame one of them hadn't been from Art. Oh, the things I'd like to do with that man...

I laughed at myself. It had been a while. Too long if I was lusting after a man who clearly didn't want to give me a second look. Maybe it was time I did something about it? There were lots of hot Guardians on campus with their charges in anticipation of graduation. Alberta had been putting them to work guarding exams, doing ward patrol and even helping with the trials today. As one of a few women amongst a sea of male Guardians, I'd have no trouble finding someone willing to entertain me. And a night rolling around the sheets sounded like just what I needed.

With that in mind, I put on my tightest skinny jeans, worked a little gel into my hair, covered the small bruise on my cheek with some foundation before adding mascara, eyeliner, and a natural lip gloss. Donning a tight teal tank top with a deep v-neck, I put on a pretty pendant which hung just above the cleft between my breasts. A pair of ankle boots with a chunky heel, and I was done. I knew I looked good. Now to visit Rose and Dimitri in guest quarters and see if anyone over that way caught my eye. And if not – well maybe tonight I'd stop by the Guardian's lounge. It was always particularly busy when there was an influx of external Guardians on campus. I'd just exited the building and was walking across to guest quarters when I heard my name.


"Guardian Schoenberg," I greeted a little breathlessly. What was wrong with me? I was a strong independent woman. I didn't turn to jello when I saw a man. Well, at least I didn't with anyone else but him.

"I thought we'd decided it was Art?" he said, flashing me a charming smile.

"We did. Sorry Art," I replied, wondering whether I'd imagined the admiring look he'd just given me.

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