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Koga took Kagome in him arms bridal style and carried her back to the bed. He wrapped her in a blanket made of fur and stayed with her until she fell asleep. Kagome felt so peaceful it was such a wonderful bliss. Koga's scent was familiar as it reminded her of Inuyasha and his body was so warm....she fell back asleep almost instantly.

And this was how it went. Koga tried to be with her as much as he could, but he was the leader of the pack. He would wake in the middle of the night and try to take care of his duties before early morning because he new she'd be awake. He feared if he left her to long her mind would start to wander and she'd become depressed. Kagome knew he worried and always pretended to be asleep when he got back so he could get more rest. She hadn't spoken a word in a month and she just didn't know if she could. Koga never pushed her. This wasn't about what he wanted at all. He was ready to assume whatever position she needed; provider, brother, friend. as long as she was happy. As long as he could be close to her.

keep reading, more coming up:)

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