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He reached out and grabbed her breast. She gasped, suddenly it was all to clear what his intentions were and she wondered why she hadn't guessed before. He laughed as his hand went up to cup her face.  Suddenly his expression changed. Fear and pain darkened his features, this was more than Kagome could handle how many more curve balls would there be? That's when he dropped beside her dead. Kagome only watched in horror. what was going on?

The body was gone before she knew what took it and then there was another man in front of her. As he leaned in closer and the moonlight caught his face she could see it was Koga? She inspected him closer. Was it a trick of the light or was his hair bleach white? Her heart was racing and nothing was making sense. She became aware of how violently she was shaking.


The first word she'd spoken in a month. His expression seemed to change and his eyes sparkled with excitement. His hair looked black once again. But, Seconds later it was white and now she make out gold colored eyes. Very familiar gold colored eyes.

She began to cry. What was wrong with her was she insane?


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