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One night as Koga left, Kahasi snuck into his and Kagomes quarters. There Kagome lie helpless and unaware of his presence. He watched her sleep, taking note of her. She wasn't bad to look at, he thought, but she was still just a pathetic human. He'd be stuck with her for life if he carried out with this....

Ha! He sneered, he could have plenty of women once he was the pack leader. If Kagome became a burden he could just kill her off. Kneeling down beside her, he ripped the blankets off violently. She awoke in fear as she could sense an evil presence.

Unable to call for help she tried to stand, but Kahasi was on top of her pinning her down. Who was this? What did he want? In the moonlight she could make out only some features. His hair was reddish brown and his eyes were blue...He was a wolf demon wasn't he? He was covered with furs, but all the other members of the pack had dark hair and eyes. Could he be a fox demon?

'Ahhh', Kagome cried out. Whatever he was he meant to hurt her. Was Koga far? She tried to say his name, but the words wouldn't form properly.

'How pathetic. Stupid and weak? How could Koga love such a worthless creature'

Fear and panic began to rise up in the dark. What did he want. Again she tried to move, but to no avail. She was trapped.

more coming up thx for reading hope u like it

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