Kim Seokjin has lived practically his entire young life in the psych ward. Although he's a 25 year old man, he lives the life of a mentally 10 year old boy. He suffers from a serious form of child regression and because of a traumatizing accident wh...
It's been three days since that session. I didn't say anything not even to Jimin. I'm afraid of what hell do to me if I get him in trouble. I don't even think people would believe me because they all love him. I have a large bruise on my arm from his tight grip and my butt is still too sore to sit down properly. I was truly terrified to go into his office the next day but he didn't touch me this time. Just stared at me the whole time with a weird look on his he was trying to figure something out. He didn't yell at me or anything either so by the end of the session I was more calm. Still scared but calm. He cancelled our session yesterday and today for some reason but I'm not complaining. I've been avoiding everyone by staying in my room and feel really bad. I know Jimin misses me as much as I miss him. I step out into the main room and look for my short friend. Which is hard among a lot of other short people running around loudly. Every time I'm with the other kids on my floor, Dr. Kim's words echo in my head and I can't stop comparing myself to them. Especially in the shower or bathroom. Why am I so different? Is this why the nurses look at me with pity sometimes? "Jinnie!" I look over to see Jimin running towards me before tackling me into a tight bear hug. "Jiminie!" I beam and we jump up and down. It's been too long. He steps back but keeps my hand in his. "Wait until you meet Taetae and Hobi! They just got transferred to our floor! They're so nice and fun." He takes off running before I can answer, dragging me behind. I laugh and let my worries slip away as we come into one of the rooms close to mine. Two boys sit on the bed playing cards. They both look up with smiles when we come in.
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"Jimin!" They cry happily as he runs and flings himself on the bed between them, ruining their card game. I hang back shyly. One of them looks over at me. "You must be Jin! Jimin has talked so much about you. You're so cute!" He claps his hands. "I'm Hoseok but call me Hobi, please-and this dork is Taehyung but he prefers Taetae." He explains and I relax. "Hi." I mumble, making my way over to sit on the bed as well. "Why are you two here?" I ask quietly, curious. They exchange a look. "Actually...we shouldn't be here but our floor was too crowded so they moved up temporarily down here to the kids ward." Hobi smiles kindly. I frown. "There's another kids ward on another floor?" Taetae snorts. "No! We came from the young adult ward upstairs for depression and stuff like that." Jimin sits up, thinking. "Are you two there for d-depression?" He asks, stuttering his words. "What is that?" His big eyes curious. The boys exchange a look. Hobi bites his lip, nervously. "I'm there for depression. It means that you don't like to do anything but sleep and rest and think about sad things a lot. It's really hard." He sighs. Taetae nods. "I'm his roommate which is why we got moved together. I'm also there go depression for witnessing my parents commit suicide. We've been in the hospital for three years now, I think." He smiles while Hobi nods. "Oh. I'm sorry." I say in a small voice. I look down at my hands feeling their eyes on me, studying me. "Jimin told us how how old you two are! Ten? That's a great age." Hobi smiles, nudging my shoulder. I smile and meet his eyes. "I'm a big boy...but not like you." I say and they laugh. " cute, Hobi! I just want to kidnap them!" Tae gushes, pouting. Jimin chuckles cutely and snuggles into Tae's lap. I really like these two. I'm really glad Jimin introduced me. "You two should stay with us in our room!" Hobi suggests and excitement makes me nod quickly. "Yeah!" "O-ok." I mumble, still shy but happy.
We play with them for two more hours before the nurse peaks in. "Time to eat, boys." She smiles and leads us to the eating area. She hands me my smoothie immediately as we sit and the others are given the usual trays. Tae eyes me curiously. "What's that?" "My food. I c-can't eat normal solid food." I explain quietly. His eyes widen in surprise. "Wow. That's strange." He sees my crestfallen face and smiles. "But cool. Definitely cool. Don't feel bad about it." I nod silently. "I don't want you to leave." Jimin pouts as we all converse. He looks sad and clings to Tae's sleeve cutely. I smirk. "I know. I like it here, too. Much more lively here than upstairs but we can't control it. Well be here for a couple of weeks, though, so we can lots of time to play." He reassures. "Yay! Do you like to explore or play video games?" Jimin keeps on. Tae's eyes light up. "I love video games! I'm king at them!" He teases, poking his side. "Nuhuh! I can beat you in anything!" Jimin annoyances before running off. Hobi and I laugh as Tae scowls and rubs after him. I feel his hand slip into mine and squeeze. "Are you ok? You seem down..." He frowns. "I'm fine." I mumble, flushing. He smiles and brushes hair out of my face. "Why are you here? Are you really ten? You look older than me..." he muses. I suddenly feel uncomfortable and try to remove my hand from his. He sounds like Dr. Kim. He doesn't let my hand go, though. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." "It's o-ok. I'm ten!" I say a little too loudly. "I'm just a little t-tall." I frown. He nods. "I see...well, you're so cute! Can I cuddle you?" He asks, smiling. Relief washes over me and I nod. "Yay! Let's go snuggle in bed and watch Jimin kick Tae's butt in all the games." He snorts and I jump onto his back, burying my face in the back of his shirt as he carries me to their room. They don't even look up from the battle as Hobi drops me under the covers and crawls in beside me, holding me in his arms. "So pretty..." He coos and I blush. "Is Taetae your bestest friend ever like me and Jiminie?" I whisper, looking up with big eyes. He smiles warmly and squeezes me. "Yes and no. I love Taetae more than a friend. I want us to be together forever." He sighs and watches the boys play. I nod against his warm chest and think about it. I love Jimin, too, but what else is there besides bestest friends forever? I don't really understand what he means. I don't want to ask him and sound stupid, though. Maybe I should ask Dr. Kim. I still don't like him but he seems to be brutally honest more than anyone else here... "Go to sleep, Jinnie. You can stay with me here tonight and Jimin can sleep with Taetae." He mutters, kissing my hair. Yawning, I nod and close my eyes. As much as I love cuddling with Jimin's small body...Hobi can fit his arms all the way around me and he's much warmer. I'm so glad I've made such amazing new friends that accept me and Jimin as we are...
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