Kim Seokjin has lived practically his entire young life in the psych ward. Although he's a 25 year old man, he lives the life of a mentally 10 year old boy. He suffers from a serious form of child regression and because of a traumatizing accident wh...
My palm stings long after Kim Seokjin leaves my office a sobbing mess. Smirking, I pull out a cabinet from my desk that holds emergency clothing because you never know when you'll need them. I strip out of my soiled clothes and wipe myself down before slipping into a pair of tight ripped jeans and a grey hoodie.
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I definitely don't look like an established doctor like this, more like a street hoodlum. Neither would be a wrong assessment. I remain in my office until everyone else is gone on the floor then make my way out of the building. I can't wait until tomorrow's session. I hate that I have five other patients to see here. My hand still tingles from touching his sweet little body. It took everything bit of control in my possession not to force him over my desk and fuck him until he begged me to stop. Hmm. His plump ass under my hands as I kneaded and slapped those deliciously pale cheeks...nearly destroyed me. Destroyed him. I'm not quite ready for that yet. I want him in my bed at home before I claim him as mine indefinitely-or until I get bored. Something tells me, though, that that fact would be a long time coming.
Once home, I admire my spotless surroundings and toss my soiled clothing in the trash. I'd love to keep them for the memories but...I'm too OCD for that. I don't want my house to start smelling like piss. The memory of that moment...scaring him so badly he wet his me a deep thrill of exhilaration that I want to repeat. I don't even know why it gets to me-I make it my mission in life to scare people to death. I've made many people piss themselves but making him do that...and on me no less? I wanted to flip him over and fuck him so bad. Sighing from miss opportunities, I toss my keys on the counter and make myself some food before stepping into my large shower to de-stress. After cleaning up a bit and eating, I frown from the silence. Oh, right. I forgot that that Jisoo girl died from dehydration days ago. I already took care of disposing of her body and cleaning up. Even the finest forensics will never be the wiser. I always cover my tracks. Feeling restless, I sit down and open Kim Seokjin's file once more. I don't understand why the cause of his trauma isn't documented. It makes no damn sense. From my sleuthing I've learned his parents were killed in some kind of strange accident but no one has ever detailed how or why or the cause. Incompetent dicks. About that smoothie thing...well, I'm going to have to train him out of that. He's a grown man and should eat as such. The fucking hospital staff acts like they don't want him to heal and leave. They cater to his childish needs and don't even try. What the hell? There has to be more behind this case and I'm going to find it. If there's one thing I love more than torturing and causing people pain, it's solving puzzles. My patient just keeps getting more and more interesting. Hmm.