Kim Seokjin has lived practically his entire young life in the psych ward. Although he's a 25 year old man, he lives the life of a mentally 10 year old boy. He suffers from a serious form of child regression and because of a traumatizing accident wh...
Where's daddy? I pout and scroll through the tv channels. I've been at daddy's house now for a few weeks. He's not so bad. As long as I'm good and listen he doesn't spank me anymore. He made me stop calling him Dr. Kim weeks ago and told me he's now my daddy. I have to call him that. I like it. Although he can be cruel...he makes me feel proud when I do something that makes him smile. Not that scary mean smile but an actual dimple smile. He does that a lot now. He says it's because I'm being a good boy for him. I don't remember my real appa so he's the closest thing to family now. I miss Jiminie and Hobi and Taetae a lot but know not to ask to see them. He gets mad and threatens to hit me when I do so I stopped. He leaves often, though, to work and comes back really really late. Sometimes he'll command me to bed and I'll hear feminine screams that make me want to disappear. I'll cry and hide in the closet. When he comes to find me there are no more screams and he pulls me into his arms and tucks me into bed or gives me a soothing bubble bath. He's a good daddy. Strict but I t-think I l-love him. Sometimes he'll give me kisses all over my face and other times he'll get a funny look in his eye and he wants me to take my clothes off. He doesn't do anything, though. Just stares at me for awhile then tells me to go to my room and lock the door. That scares me more than he's afraid of himself and what he'll do to me. I don't know why. I don't do anything to provoke him...I don't think. I feel safe when he gives me cuddles. He does that a lot now. I have to eat real food. It's yucky but the different range of flavors is sometimes interesting. He makes me do a lot of big boy things that he says I should be able to do. I don't know what that means but I want to please him. Anything to not be punished like before and earn his kisses. "Jinnie..." I look over and smile up at daddy as he sits down. He ruffles my hair and I lean into his touch. "Come sit up here." I crawl up into his lap and wrap my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest. He smells like the hospital I used to live in. Glancing up, I notice he looks tired. "D-daddy?" I whisper, closing my fist around his shirt collar. "Hm?" "How long am I going to stay here? You told me before that I wouldn't be here long." I mumble. His eyes narrow before sweeping over me. His hands round my hips and he situates me so that my arms and legs are wrapped around him, front to front. He toys with the buttons on my shirt. The one he bought for me. Like everything else I have here. All from daddy for being a good boy. "I don't know..." he seems upset and I feel bad for asking. "W-where was you wanting me to go? When I leave here? Y-you said it was only for a short time.." I can't stop myself or my thoughts from being spoken aloud. He sighs and squeezes me harder. "Just...away. It doesn't matter, Jin." I frown. " girls?" I ask, voice nearly inaudible. He tsks. "No need to worry about those things. Daddy wants you here right now ok?" He reasserts and I nod, pouting. He pecks my lips making me giggle. "I love you, d-daddy!" He smiles his big dimple smile and it makes my heart feel weird. "Time for bed, baby boy. Do you want me to tuck you in?" I nod excitedly. "Yes!" I jump off his lap and run to my bedroom. I wish I could sleep with him every night but he won't let me. I sit on the edge of the bed and wait for him to bring my night clothes. He comes in and immediately strips off my clothes, slowly trailing his fingers down my belly making me giggle. "Daddy!" "You're so pretty, Jinnie." He sighs before handing me my long night shirt. I put it on and he reaches down to remove my underwear leaving me bare underneath like he likes. I crawl into bed and snuggle under the blankets. I reach out for him and he sits on the bed, kissing my hair. "So tempting..." he groans. I don't know what he means so I frown. "Did I do something bad?" "No. Go to sleep. I'll wake you in the morning." He gets up and turns my light off, shutting me inside the dark alone. I close my eyes and sigh. Lately I've been having nightmares but now I don't dream of daddy chasing and hurting me...I dream of him leaving me behind and me chasing after him. I never want him to abandon me...
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