Chapter 14; Kim Seokjin

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As soon as daddy leaves for work, I smile warmly at Jimin. He smiles back if a little trembly. Taking his arm, I lead him down to my favorite place. The basement.
"Jimin!" I smile evilly. "Let's play a game."
He stares back in apprehension. "Um...w-what kind of game?"
I clap my hands together in joy. "Hide and seek...but with a twist!" I beam.
His shoulders relax slightly. "Ok. What's the twist?"
"The loser has to follow the order of whatever the winner says. The loser has to do it no matter what." I say solemnly.
He swallows hard but finally nods. "Ok. Who first?"
Smiling, I open the door to the basement. "I'll hide first. You have ten minutes to find me or you lose. Best two out of three wins." I explain and he nods, turning around to close his eyes.
I run down the basement stairs to my secret spot. I discovered it while exploring down here one day. Even daddy doesn't know about it yet. A tunnel. Underneath the mattress from the other room.
I open the hatch and slowly and quietly climb down into the pitch black and shut myself in. I don't know how deep it goes but I'm sure he won't find me here anyway. No one knows it's here.

I hear Jimin come down after five minutes and call my name. I hold my breath and force back a giggle as he enters the room above me. He walks right over top me before leaving the room once more.
After he trudges back upstairs, I lift up on the hatch only to frown. It's stuck. It won't open. I push and push as hard as I can but it doesn't budge. On top of that, I hear the basement door close and lock. Panic rises inside me as I become more aware of my dark surroundings. It's cold and damp and my body shivers from the temperature drop.
I reach in my back pocket to find my small flashlight. I fish it out and turn it on, waving it around but seeing nothing but concrete, dirt, and blackness in all directions. I jump down from the decaying steps I'd been perched on and make my way deeper into the tunnel.
I can hear Jimin still above calling for me. I guess I'll definitely win this game. I shudder and see my breath as I come to a stop at the end of the dark concrete ground. I don't understand what I'm seeing at first.
It looks like a large hole but on closer inspection I realize it's a underground pond. It's water. I dip a finger in to test the icy liquid only to frown. It's not water.
It's dark red and brown. Sludge all around the edges. I move the flashlight over it but can't figure out what it is...until I catch sight of something across the way.
A body.
It's a dead body. Floating face down in the...whatever it is? Blood pond? I don't know. I can't get to it without wading out into the deep icy liquid and don't particularly want to drown in such a mess. Daddy would be very upset if I didn't come back.
I look around and find a large stick. Using it, I pull the body closer and turn it over. My stomach turns as I take in the long dead bloated corpse before me. A woman...I think. Her gray skin practically slides off her bones, her large tongue lagging out of her distended jaw.
She looks like every nightmare horror movie scenario you could ever imagine. I drop the stick and step back, fearing her blackened eyes will roll back any second and snatch me up.

       I walk backwards slowly, never taking my eyes off the bloody pond and the dead woman as I stammer and trip backwards

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I walk backwards slowly, never taking my eyes off the bloody pond and the dead woman as I stammer and trip backwards.
I want to scream when some type of current from underneath moves the body a little closer to me. I gasp and jump to my feet, running for my life. Fearing what death has in store for me as I make it back to the door and beat repeatedly on the lodged ceiling hatch.
"Jimin! Jimin let me out! LET ME OUT!!!" I screech in true terror as I swear I hear footsteps slowly coming up from behind me. Squeezing my eyes closed, I hold the flashlight tight against my chest just as I feel a hand clasp onto my shoulder.
In a blood curdling scream, I spin around and bash the figure in the head with my flashlight repeatedly as hard as I can. The figure grunts before dropping to the ground and I turn my flashlight turned weapon around to shine light, expecting to see the horrific woman in a bloody mess. Instead...I feel my heart stop.



Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. just an FYI the body in the water Jin found wasn't pennywise 😂 I just couldn't find a scary enough gif or pic to go with the description and wanted to set the mood. I'm sorry for the nightmares I've apparently given some of you but remember this is a horror/thriller type book!

I hope that answers some of your questions. Sorry for the confusion lol. More updates coming soon!

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