"Jinnie! Come give me cuddles!"
I turn my head to see Hobi and Taetae walking towards our table. I smile and pat the empty spot beside me. He plops down and pulls me into his lap. I know I'm a big boy and shouldn't like sitting in someone's lap...but I like it when Hobi hyung does it. It makes me happy.
"So I heard today is your last session with Dr. Kim. Are you nervous? I thought he was supposed to be making you feel older or something?" He asks with a smile, ruffling my hair.
I lock my arms around his neck, watching as Jimin climbs into Taetae's lap and mimics my position, sticking his tongue out playfully.
"I'm glad. I really hate that doctor. He's mean." I pout, burying my face in his neck.
"Aw, it's ok. Surely he's not too bad. He's just trying to help you, Jin." He reassures but I shake my head stubbornly. He doesn't have to see the mean doctor. He doesn't understand.
"I'm sorry it upsets you." He murmurs against my hair just as the nurse smiles down at me and nods her head towards the stairs. Time for my last session. I'm scared. He's just so...unpredictable. After that one time he touched me and spanked me as made me cry...he was strangely nice the other sessions and didn't even try to touch me. Maybe he knows he was wrong?
Either way, I have a bad feeling about this one. My stomach aches as I climb off Hobi's lap and slowly walk down the stairs to his office. I stare fearfully up at his door. Surely he won't do anything to me...he is a doctor after all...
I creak the door open and peak inside. I'm surprised to see him leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up on his clean desk. His white coat is missing and he's wearing street clothes. He smiles madly at me while I fidget in the door way. That feeling coming back tenfold. This isn't right.
"Take a seat, Jinnie." His smile unnerves me for some reason. I really don't like it.
I sit down.
He studies me with that same creepy smile before abruptly sitting up straight and tapping his pen on the desk. "You've been a very good boy lately, yeah? I've decided to take you out for ice cream!" He announces, standing to grab his black coat. I frown. Leave the hospital? I've never left the hospital before...
I swallow hard and glance around. He notices. "Come on, we don't have all day! The nurses are all on lunch getting their own ice cream so let's go before they come back and take yours away."
Take my ice cream?! I jump up and quickly follow him out, feeling weird as we pass by the security cameras that aren't blinking red like they usually do. My fingers trace the rough brick wall as we reach the guard stand. Where's the friend uniform man that usually stands guard? Did he get ice cream, too?
I want to get extra to bring back to Jimin and Taetae and Hobi! My mood brightens as I cheerfully follow Dr. Kim to his car and he buckles me into the passenger seat. He slides in the drivers side and quickly starts the car, driving fast out of the lot.
My eyes wander of the beautiful city sights I haven't seen in so long if ever. It makes me think of things...flashes of faces come to mind. Eomma? Appa? I see the ice cream parlor and clap happily but my smile slips when he drives right passed it.
"Y-you passed it!" I yelp, pointing back to where it sat.
He winks at me. "I've got better ice cream at home, sweetie. You'll love it and you can have as much as you want!" He reassures me and I relax. Endless ice cream?!
"What flavors?" I ask, excitedly.
He pauses and thinks on it. "Vanilla. Delicious creamy white vanilla, sweetie." He smirks but I don't get the joke.
"O-ok. Can I bring some back for Jimin and my other friends?" I ask.
He frowns. "No, I'm sorry. This is just our secret. You can't share it with anyone else." He says sternly.
I pout but nod anyway. Ice cream is ice cream. We arrive at a large house about ten minutes later and he pulls into the closed in garage. We get out and he takes a tight hold onto my arm. I don't think much of it as he helps me step over the messy floor.
Once inside the house, he laces our fingers together while I take in the pretty sights. His house is like a museum! Plastic covers most of his furnishings. He leads me to the kitchen and sits me down on a high bar stool. I kick my legs excitedly and wait for my reward!
He rummages through his freezer and pulls out a huge tub of mixed ice cream but mostly vanilla. I giggle happily making him smile as he scoops me out big spoonfuls. Yay!
He pushes the bowl toward me after sprinkling some kind of topping. "What's that?" I ask. It's white and blends in with the frozen treat.
He smiles. "Extra flavor. Eat it quick before it melts." He ruffles my hair as I start scarfing down the yummy snack. I'm not even half way through the bowl however when I start to feel really sleepy. I feel his eyes on me as my head starts to droop. I push the bowl away and rest my head on the counter, yawning.
"Tired, sweetie? You can sleep." He mutters and I nod, closing my eyes. Just a little nap...I wake up in the dark. Cold and shaking. Cold metal holds my wrists in place over my head and I whimper as I feel wetness seeping into my body. Water dripping me over me? I look around anxiously.
"H-hello? Dr. Kim! Help me!" I scream, crying as I try to free my hands.
Dr. Kim comes at the sound of my voice, smiling cheerfully as he takes in my state. "Just beautiful." He mumbles before sitting on the edge of the bed, flipping on a lamp. I'm in a dark cold...basement? Water from leaking pipes is dripping on me soaking my clothes and making me shiver.
My wrists are tied tightly with wire to two pipes that go into the cement wall. The bed I'm on is dirty and uncomfortable. I sniffle and stare up at him with confusion, my bottom lip trembling.
He runs a finger down my cheek softly before leaning in to kiss me. I jerk away, disgusted. His eyes flash with anger before giving me that same creepy smile.
"Welcome to your new home, sweetie. I hope you come to love it here as much as I'll enjoy you here." He sighs, rubbing his hands over my body. I try to kick him but he only grabs my legs and begins yanking my pants off.
"No! S-stop it!" I beg as he strips me harshly, the fabric tugging painfully on my skin.
"Don't struggle, sweetie. I'll take good care of you here as long as you listen to me and stay a good boy. Did you like your ice cream? I'll give you more if you calm down." He offers.
I kick out hard and my foot lands a solid hit on his face. He glares down at me, spitting blood before backhanding me across the face. "You little fucker, I told you to be a good boy and I won't hurt you! Why do you have to fight me, huh? I don't want to badly hurt you!" He growls before grabbing a fistful of hair and forcing his mouth back on mine.
I can't move, his grip is way too tight. I plead and beg and cry but he only seems to enjoy it more. "Such a bad boy...I think you need a punishment." He flips me over making my wrists twist painfully in their bindings, cutting my skin. He pulls my underwear down and throws them to the floor and I shiver as the cold dank air hits my skin.
I scream out as his hand smacks my butt cheeks hard over and over, leaving behind bloody welts. I sob into the pillow as my wrists throb from pain.
He stops after a few minutes, panting hard before getting up and stomping back up the stairs. I cry and cry as my situation comes to light. W-why? Why me? Why does he want to hurt me? What did I do?
He doesn't return and I cry myself to sleep cold and shivering with only my shirt on as the frigid water continuously trickles over my stomach all night. The dark scares me but I think it's the man in the light I need to fear more.

Crazy Baby
FanfictionKim Seokjin has lived practically his entire young life in the psych ward. Although he's a 25 year old man, he lives the life of a mentally 10 year old boy. He suffers from a serious form of child regression and because of a traumatizing accident wh...