It's eerily silence when I enter the house. Frowning, I walk around looking for whatever has me feeling off. Where are the boys? "Jin?" I call out as I take off my coat and step into the living room.
Loud sniffles come from upstairs so I follow the sound to Jin's room. I find him sprawled on the bed, sobbing and clutching his pink panda to his chest. I glance around but see no sign of Jimin.
"Where's Jimin? What's going on?" I demand carefully.
He wipes his eyes and pulls himself up. " was an accident." He cries.
Apprehension fills me. Already? "What happened? Where is he?" I ask, making my tone more gentle.
"I t-thought h-he was a ghost going to h-hurt me." He whines.
I raise a brow. "Is he ok? Where is he, Jin?" I'm getting frustrated now. "Tell me. Now."
He wipes his eyes and slowly crawls off the bed and leads me downstairs into the basement. There, I find the person in question laying on the floor in a puddle of blood. I kneel down and check for a pulse. A light one but he has obviously traumatic head injuries.
"How the hell was this an accident?" I ask suspiciously.
"I t-thought he was a ghost." He repeats.
"And you were...what? Going to beat a ghost to death on the head? That doesn't even make sense." I sigh, pulling Jimin's unconscious form into my arms and taking him to my metal table. Usually I'm causing pain and death on the thing but now I'm ironically using it to save someone. Crazy.
It's not that I really care if the boy lives or dies-he said it himself. He's going to die sooner anyway. And everyone dies. I go back upstairs to get my medical bag and begin trying to bring him back to functionality.
I hope he doesn't have permanent brain damage but it's not looking good. I huff at Jin in annoyance. If he had just finished the job then I wouldn't be struggling to revive him right now.
"W-will he make it?" He whines from the stairs, hugging Rosy close.
"I'm trying but it's hard to say. The fact I can see brain and skull fragments with my bare eyes doesn't look good for him, Jinnie. You hit him really hard." I mutter as I begin work on cleaning up the wounds to get a better look.
Slight blood hemorrhaging as well as severe skull fractures in several places. I'm honestly surprised Jin missed his tumor. If he would have struck him there he would have died instantly. Hm. Strange that was the only place on his head practically untouched.
I stop the loss of blood and put metal plates in place of his cracked skull. Stitching up several areas over his head. He looks a little better when I'm done and the blood is all cleaned up. I change his clothes and put him in bed.
"I did the best I could. He could still stop breathing overnight or just go into a permanent coma. We won't know unless he wakes up. Just check on his breathing and pulse periodically, ok? Keep him warm or else he could go into shock still." I instruct.
He nods, climbing into bed and snuggling up with the pale damaged boy. Looking at him, I really wonder why he chose to leave the safely of the hospital for a life such as this. He knew more about Jin than I did. He has to know this kind of thing would happen sooner or later.
Awful way to go but I secretly hope he pulls through. I can't use him in my experiment if he's dead. Plus getting rid of bodies are annoying and difficult.
I kiss Jin's forehead before leaving him to be. I get myself ready for bed and just about turn off the light switch when a figure on the bed makes me stop. "Why aren't you in bed?" I ask, irritated.
He pouts and pulls his knees up to his chest, holding Rosy for dear life. "Daddy..."
I cross my arms and wait for him to continue.
"If...Jiminie doesn't wake up...c-can I keep him in my room?" He sniffles.
"You know you can't keep a dead body in your room." I sigh.
He bites his lip. "C-can't we...stuff him like they do to those animals? So I can still cuddle him forever?" He asks innocently despite the complete morbid topic.
I remain silent for several long seconds. "We don't taxidermy people, baby." I finally say.
He pouts. "P-please daddy! He's my bestest friend and I don't want to lose him. I didn't mean to hurt him!" He cries.
"I know that but still. If Jimin does die then we have to take care of his body. That's how it works."
His watery red eyes glare up at me. "I hate you! Why can't you let me keep him?" He throws Rosy at me. I dodge it easily before making my way over to the bed and pulling him into my arms.
He buries his wet face in my chest and clutches my shirt in his hands. I run my fingers through his hair soothingly as he rocks in my lap. I don't know if he's still upset over hurting Jimin or the fact I won't let him stuff his body. I'm a psycho but even the thought of that freaks me out.
"Go to sleep, Jin. You need rest, baby." I murmur.
He sighs and rolls off me to the side, snuggling into my chest. I hold him silently while he cries himself to sleep. Such a baby. I wonder how this will really effect him if Jimin doesn't make it. Will this be the snap I'm waiting for? Or something else...much simplier.
All I know is if Jimin does die and I dispose of his body, I have a feeling I'm going to have to watch my back even more. I can sense the change in him as he tightens his grip on me. This isn't going to end well for one of us. Thats for damn sure.

Crazy Baby
FanfictionKim Seokjin has lived practically his entire young life in the psych ward. Although he's a 25 year old man, he lives the life of a mentally 10 year old boy. He suffers from a serious form of child regression and because of a traumatizing accident wh...