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Next time you look at someone look much much closer.

It is simple to tell the emotion of someone by a look.

From the curl of a lip to the raise of an eyebrow,


no one has ever cared to look even closer than that.

Look closer and softer,

at the veins that appear on the temples of their torn, porcelain skin.

Their once bright and full of life eyes have greyed and dimmed over the years to a subtle grey.

The corners of the lips never curl but merely twitch out of uncomfort.

The purple rims under the eyes a silent call for help from a long fight, lost.

Eyebrows that slop downwards like the spiral they're trapped in.

Look closer at the dismay in the previous smile lines, now a permanent frown mark.

Notice the twist in every little detail and only then can you notice the person behind the mask.

A/N ~ Vv short but hadn't updated in a while xx

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