I used to view death as a passage.
Some sort of shortcut exit out of my issues.
The 'easy' way out if you will.
It seemed like a healing process. Something that would help or finish what seemed endless.
But it isn't.
I promise.
It may seem like it's the finish line to end suffering but it's more than that.
It's giving up your life,
It's giving up everything you have ever fought for.
Those battles
The war with yourself
All lost and forgotten.
All those fights you took to try and save yourself lost, given up on.
If only I kept fighting.
Fighting even though it was with my own demons.
And I did.
Every day.
I fought like I'd never fought before.
I did it all.
I went from wanting my life to end to searching for my guide.
My way out.
Eventually I won.
I won the beautiful prize of my life.
I don't regret a single thing.
Everyday I think about how happy I am I didn't give up and I value everything.
It's like my mind woke up from a nightmare.
The world I see is much more appreciated now I have opened my eyes.Stay fighting and stay alive.
A/N -
I may seem like a stranger to you but I promise whatever you're going through it'll get better wether it takes days or weeks or months. Never hesitate to message me whenever! X