Areea's P.O.VThe bright sunlight filtered through the large window of the clubhouse as the birds sing gleefully, I forgot how peaceful New Zealand was.
"Good morning, Beautiful..." Logan spoke gently with a husky tone vibrating through his voice as he wrapped his warm strong arms around my bare waist.
"Good morning, Handsome." I turned in his arms to face him, his eyes closed as he breathed on my forehead.
"What are we doing today?" I asked as his eyes filtered open slowly.
"Let's worry about that later, for now, let's just stay here." He grumbled as he started kissing my forehead repeatedly.
"I would agree but, It's probably not as early as we believe." I sigh rolling back over, letting my hands fumble around for my phone.
"What time is it then?" he mumbles as I finally grasp ahold of my phone.
"Eleven-twenty-eight..." I check the time and sigh knowing we've probably missed breakfast.
"Hmm, I guess we better get up." Logan rolled out of the bed effortlessly.
"Yee- AH!" I tried to ninja jump out of the bed, failing miserably, landing on the hard wooden floor.
"Wouldnt be the first time you've screamed that..." Logan turned around with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Logan!" I yelped as I go up and put on my jeans from last night.
"Come on ya clumsy!" Logan laughed as he pulled a t-shirt over his torso.
"Ugh, fine." I laughed as I slid my singlet on and threw the flannel shirt from yesterday around my shoulders.
"LETGO!!!" Logan yelled as we walked outside.
"Areea, Logan good morning!" Mum echoed sweetly from across the room as we entered the kitchen.
"Morning!" Logan and I chorused as mum set down on the counter in front of us, two plates filled with bacon and hashbrowns.
"Would you like an egg, Logan? Areea hates them, so I prepared your plates without it." mum offered him.
"Sure!" He answered gleefully.
"Yum!" I laughed taking one of the plates, going into the dining room sitting down at the table with my extended family.
Logan's P.O.V
"Thank you," I said as Areea's mum places a poached egg on my plate.
"It's fine! Come back for seconds if you're still hungry!" She smiled at me as I took the plate and sat across from Areea at the dining table. The strong memories of last night filtering through my thoughts.
"You two seem quite smiley?" Areea's Aunt Phi asks smiling at us cheekily.
"Hmm, I wonder whether OH LOGAN!! Would know why?" Her Uncle Greg mimicked Anne.
"Chuchuph!" I chocked on a bit of bacon.
"Errrmmm.." Areea blushed heavily as she slid down her chair.
"Leave the poor children alone! If they fucked they fucked!" Areea's cousin Hannah walked in.
"Umm," I said as Areea was sitting on the floor as her face red as a tomato. I'm sure I look around the same colour.
"I think... I'm done!" She said quickly as she stood up grabbing her plate and hurriedly walking out the door, into the kitchen.
"You better treat her right, Logan! And.... can I be the godmother?" Hanah slid into the chair Areea was previously sitting in.
"I think I'm done too!" I say as I pick up my plate and follow Areea.
As I enter the kitchen, I find Areea sitting at the counter alone.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked placing my plate on the bench, rubbing her back comfortingly with my other hand.
"Just embarrassed is all..." She sighed, rubbing her face with her hands.
"Look, just don't worry about it... Anyway, today we're going on a date!" I inform her.
"Really?" She asks, looking up at me, a glimmer of excitement flashing across her eyes.
"Yup! I'm ready to go when you are." I tell her.
"Ok, let me go get changed first!" She ran off.
Areea's P.O.V
I get changed into my favourite summer dress and, of course, my white converse.
Once I change and pack my yeti back pack with barely anything, I walk out into the living room to find Logan glued to his phone screen.
"Shall we?" I ask as I move his hands out of the way so I can sit on his lap.
"We shall!" He laughed as he picked me up placing me gently on the ground. We walk out and tell everyone we'll be back later, then get into my car.
"Where are we going?" I ask as I get in the passenger side.
"You'll see!" He laughs as he reverses out of the garage.
"Wait shouldn't this be our second date?" I ask in a eureka moment.
"When was our first?" He asks confused.
"That time you took me to the pier, and there was the fair?" I explain hoping he remembers.
"Dunno?" He looks at me blankly.
"When I found out Leanne died..." His face changes.
"Ooh yea. That one." He looks at me comfortingly.
"And I thought I was the one with a bad memory!" I laugh, trying to move over the Leanne topic.
"Is that considered a date?" Logan asked smiling.
"Well Ima count it!" I gazed at him while he focused on the twisting road ahead.
"Ok then, well we're about to arrive at our second date!" He laughed as we pulled up to the small movie theatre in town.
"I haven't been here in ages!" I exclaim as the smell of popcorn hits me as we walk through the doors.
"Well I've never been here. Terry's set up this whole thing, hopefully, she has a good taste in movies!" He laughed as we strolled up to the counter, hand and hand.
"One large popcorn... Erm, two medium drinks." Logan started reading off a text from Terry. "and two tickets for Planet of the apes please." I laughed as Logan finished reading and the young man behind the counter started filling the popcorn bag.
"Here ya go!" The cashier winked at me as he handed me the popcorn.
"Uh, thanks..." I squirmed under his stare.
"Thank you." Logan said bitterly as he stepped in front of me taking the drink and tickets from the cashier.
"Let's go!" I laughed as we dawdled into the cinema.

Nobody But Us.
FanfictionAreea goes to a party in Los Angeles and unexpectedly meets someone that may change her whole life. When Areea's close cousin gets into a serious car crash and a gruesome video about Areea's past appears. Areea then discovers a new relationship may...