Chapter Fifteen : Making Decision

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~Cam's POV~

I went to school early the next day. My mind flew away since I stepped out of my house. Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no? I'm confused. I was thinking about what happened yesterday.

I slapped my face hard. I wasn't dreaming. I'm in reality. I need my friends help. 

I walked down the corridor to my locker. When I found my locker, I opened it and exchange some books from my bag. And then, I shut it and walked to the nearby toilet. I got in one of the stalls, locked the door and sat on the closed toilet bowl. 

I was thinking, thinking and thinking. I hate it when I have to think more than twice. My brain is so useful when it comes to problems such as this. 

Suddenly, a group of girls entered the toilet,"So, what's up with you and Joe?" one of the girls said.

"I don't know. But I want to make him pay for what he did," I recognized that voice. It's Elena's. 

"Really? So transferred here for a revenge?"

"Kind of," 

"Wow. You're bitch!" her friend said to her then they laughed together. 

I don't know they call themselves bitch. I should probably stay quiet until they get out, my mind whispered. Not long after that, they walked out and I waited until the clicks of their high heels disappeared before I got out of the toilet. 

I ran all the way to the cafeteria and sat on a stool at our usual table. "Hi," I said to them, panting. I stood up and got in the line for food. I ran back to the table and eat my food.

"Damn, Cam. You look like you haven't eat for ten years. Gosh," Gwen said to me. I ignored them and swallowed my food. I took a big bite. I didn't take breakfast so my stomach was growling.

When I was done, I finished my drink at I was so full. "You just made a record. Finished a food in five minutes," Jess told me, looking at her watch.

"I am so proud of myself," I said to her. 

While we were chatting, I saw Joe walked in to our direction. He stopped by and whispered to me,"59 hours left," and then he walked away with his friends.

"Wow, what was that?" Serena smirked at me. 

"I want to confess something," they looked at me closely. All of a sudden, the bell rang,"Will tell you at lunchtime," they groaned and we separated to our classes.

Lunch time. I was the first one to arrive at our table. I saw my friends running towards me, pushing people out of their way like they were being chased by an elephant. It was funny to see them running.

"So, Cam. What's up?!" Serena asked, panting.

"Have a seat first, ladies," I said to them.

"What...... is....... it,........ Cam?" Gwen said, panting too. 

"Calm down. Breath in..... out," I said to them and they followed. After a few times of inhaling and exhaling they looked at me closely. "Someone asked me to be his girlfriend and...," I trailed off.

"You rejected him. We know. You're always like this. You should at least have a relationship with someone once in your lifetime before you get married," Serena ranted.

"I'm not finished yet," 

"Okay, sorry. Go on,"

"I don't know whether to accept him or not, so I need you opinion. All of you," 

"Wow, Cam. What makes you to,.... not reject him? You made another record today. I'm impressed," Debb said.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Didie asked.

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