Wedding from Hell Part 2.

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*Beach with Mikasa and Kylie*

"Wait, So you punched her and just walked out. I freaking love you right now Mikasa. Oh my god, she fucking deserved it. Armin or Erwin deserve one too if i'm being honest. I know they've always like me and Levi being a couple but it never worked out and they need to stop being such fan girls. Hanji isn't this bad." Spoke Kylie now laying down and letting out a loud sigh. She looked up at the stars and couldn't help but smile. It was something her mum and her did a lot of the time when they needed to just calm down and think like a human and not an over stressed working monster. 

Turning to face the venue of the wedding, Kylie and Mikasa sighed at the same time. Both standing and walking towards their respective rooms. Once on the second floor Mikasa hugged Kylie and said bye before retreating to her and Erens shared room. Kylie let out a sigh and began to walk towards the stairs wanting to take her time going to her room. Before she reached the staircase Armin pulled her aside and hugged her tightly. 

"Kylie, I'm so sorry. We knew it was a bad idea the moment we booked the room for you two. We've been trying to find a spare room for you since you arrived. We finally got you one and moved your bags in there. You're next door to Eren and Mikasa. I'm so sorry!" After spilling out his heart to Kylie. Armin walked with her to her new room and waved bye. 

By the time Kylie was unpacked and dressed for bed it had been 10pm. Something she wasn't planning on happening. It was only 1pm when she had arrived so she wasn't sure how it had already been 9 hours since arriving when all she did was sit on the beach.  Holding her stomach Kylie sighed and grabbed her room key and purse now walking out and down the corridor to find some snack machine. 

Spotting a snack machine and Eren trying to get food out of it, Kylie sighed and let out a small chuckle "You've always been a weird one Eren. What were you trying to get this time. Your dignity back?" 

"Ha Ha, Very funny Kylie, Stupid machine took my money but gave me nothing, Like what the hell." Yelled Eren now taking his arm out of the machine and giving up. "All i wanted was something to snack on while i steal Mikasa's wine"

"How about this. I order us some food you and share the wine with me?" spoke Kylie now smirking and holding up the room service menu. "Courtesy of Armin and Erwin tho. They're paying for my room." 

"You're on! I'll be in your room in 10!" whisper yelled Eren now running down the corridor and running into his room" 

*The next morning*

Waking up with a headache and her clothes spread over the floor wasn't what Kylie had envisioned when she'd wake up. Looking to her side she noticed a man's arm wrapped around her waist and his bare legs wrapped around her own. Covering her mouth with her hands she shook her head and sighed. Slowly pulling the cover from his face she jolted out of the bed and covered her naked body with the cover she pulled along with her. There laying naked in her bed was no-one other than Eren Jaeger. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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