First Day Jitters

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First Day of School or University can suck! Kylie figures that much but meeting everyone last night was helping Kylie so much she didn't even know it.

The sun shone through Kylie's window and right into her face, it was a miricle she wasn't blinded, Kylie groaned and jumped out of bed a second before her mum walked in with a saucepan and spoon.

"Geez mum, you want to start a band? Calm down with trying to wake me up!" Spoke Kylie now trying to find an outfit for her first day.

"Sorry hunny I just don't want you to be late on your first day!" Replied Mary now sitting on the edge of Kylie's now neat bed.

"I won't be late mum, now please leave so I can shower and get dressed" Spoke Kylie now heading to the end suite.

"Fine!" Whispered Mary now walking out and down into the kitchen

Walking out and into the harsh weather wasn't something Kylie was used to, she liked the sun and blue skies not coldness and frost on the ground. Walking towards the college felt weird to Kylie, not just the nerves that decided to bury the!selves deep down inside Kylie's stomach but now the weirdness of being somewhere she didn't know, she was the new girl again and that sucked. Just as Kylie was about to walk right into a lampost a car horn stopped her right in her tracks, she looked up to see Connie and Sasha stopping, Kylie smiled and walked to the car.

"Good Morning Guys! Everything OK?" Questioned Kylie not understanding why they stopped.

"Everything's fine, get in dummy, we ain't letting a new friend walk all the way to Uni." Replied Connie now starting the car up again.

Kylie smiled and got into the car smiling at the warmth she felt, the whole rode there was a bunch of laughs and Kylie didn't remember the last time she laughed so much that her sides hurt and she was crying from laughter. If felt nice to be smiling again.

Walking into the art department was a shock for Kylie she didn't know it could be so huge, the massive canvas's hung up with amazing art on them suddenly Kylie wondered if she was good enough too be in the program.

"Hey Kylie!" Yelled Eren now running across the lobby with his art stuff sat beside a bench

"Good Morning Eren" Replied Kylie now smiling towards the brunette "Ready for some extreme art?" Questioned Kylie now wondering if she was ready herself.

"You bet! Were gonna knock the socks of these people!" Replied Eren now dragging Kylie towards his bench.

During the art lesson Kylie was called to the front to demonstrate her skill, let's just say the class as well as the teacher and Eren were shocked she could draw anything like that, Kylie had chosen to draw a superhero from her favorite comic! Spiderman! Eren begged Kylie the whole lesson to draw him one when they get back to there houses. Kylie couldn't resist his smile so she gave in. Smiling towards the board where the students yelled at the teacher not to wipe it off until they all leave.

Going to advanced French was different instead of having Eren to calm her nerves she had no-one, Eren had been put in a lower grade until he can learn more French words, Kylie walked into the classroom looking for a seat until she found one by the window unoccupied. Kylke walked up to the row and took her seat and decided to take her books out, so what if she was the nerd in this class, she had new friends and the didn't need to see her being this nerdy.

Fench came and went for Kylie while Eren was still being ytelled at by his new frsench teacher. It seemed Kylie was getting coffee and lunch on her own, Kylie walks towards the end of the hall and heard her name being called, she turned around just to be attacked by two huge males hugging her and inspecting if she was hurt!

"J-Jean? M-Marco? Why are you pinching me? " Questioned Kylie now holding her aching skin.

"You had advanced French, Professor Luke is horrific." Replied Jean now satisfied that Kylie wasn't hurt.

"He is? He was fine with me." Questioned Kylie now walking down the halls with Jean and Marco on either side of her.

"Lucky! Marco is the nicest person we know and Professor Luke cracked Marco, Poor Marco swore at us all that night" Stated Jean now giving Marco a *Im Sorry* look.

"Oh really? I'm so sorry to hear that Marco, I hope he isn't that bad on me, to be honest it was jut the first day! He might have wanted us to gain trust so he could rip it away from us." Replied Kylie now walking into Trost Coffee a nice coffee shop on campus where Connie worked on occasion.

"Maybe, if that's the case, good luck Kylie, Are you finished with classes today?" Questioned Marco now entering the student pin to buy all three coffee's.

"Uhm I think I'm needed in art for another hour or so, I started some new art pieces and I want to finish them off today, Do you both have classes?" Questioned Kylie now sat down and sipping at her coffee

"Naa we both finish lunch, We were going tonead back to Eren's and play COD, Was wondering if you wanted to join?" Questioned Jean now watching the customers try and pay for coffee with their pins

"COD you say?? I guess I have time tomorrow to finish my art, are you both wiling to die?" Questioned Kylie with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Woo! Gamer girl!" Exclaimed Jean making every dudes head turn to Kylie including a certain Blonde student and a hyperactive Student.

Kylie and Marco decided they would wait for Eren to stop being attacked verbally by Professor Rick. Kylie held out a coffee fresh for Ere when he walks out of class, it's safe to say if Eren wasn't pulled back by Marco Kylie would have been strangled by Eren on her fist day.

Getting to Erens was a tricky task since Kylie was given a ride ad she didn't think about all of hr art supplies and neither did Eren, Jean was the best walking in the snow while Marco wasn't that bad, both boys decided the would only help this once so Marco put Eren on his back while Jean carried Kylie bridal style all the way to Eren's house he shared with Armin and Mikasa.

Getting to play COD was great for Kylie it meant she didn't have to think things though she just had to play the game and enjoy herself. That's exactly what Kyie did, she might have on every game as well as thinking her first day wasn't at all that bad.

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