Romantic Date ❤

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Kylie didn't have class on Friday so her whole day was free, that was until Levi decided to text her so early in the morning!
Levi:Morning. Sent 05:00am
Kylie:Morning Levi, what's so important you had to wake me up? Sent 05:10am
Levi:Are you mad?
Kylie:Seriously Levi, What's up?
Levi:After Uni today do you want to have dinner with me?
Levi:Learn to type correctly.
Kylie:Learn to wake me up at normal human time, i swear your vampire! Goodnight!

Once Kylie was fully awake it was already two in the afternoon and she needed to know what time she would have to be ready by so she just rang Levi and got the most straightforward answer ever, "6" That left Kylie with four hours to get ready and find something to wear. It only took Kylie two hours so she had another two hours to just lay around and be bored. She didnt dare eat anything in case she was going to a really fancy resturant, when it comes to dating Levi Ackerman, You dont know whats around the next corner and to Kylie's suprise it might have been sex... I SAID MIGHT!!!

Walking down the steps to the front door Kylie got looks from Eren and Mikasa and Armin.

"If I was straight I would bang you" Spoke Armin completely shocking everyone

"T-Thanks Armin...I think" Replied Kylie now hoping she wouldn't have a mental image, luclkily Levi would erase any thought of other men

"If I was into you and saw you like that, we wouldn't be going out!" Replied Eren still looking at the t.v

"Thanks." Replied Kylie now hoping Mikasa was going to be lady about it.

"You look nice, to bad your not into girls" Spoke Mikasa now looking Kylie up and down

"Geez, is that all you guys think about? Sex and more sex." Replied Kylie now walking to Kitchen to grab a drink before Levi arrived.

Once Levi made it to Kylie's he was only two minutes early so he decided he would wait till 6 and knock on the door, once six came round Levi knocked on the door hoping Mikasa wouldn't answer it due to her possessive nature over her friends, luckily Armin answered the door while Mikasa was being held back by Eren.

Walking out of the kitchen with her bag and keys and phone all checked, Kylie didnt expect to see Armin smiling at Levi, Levi glaring at Mikasa and Mikasa and Eren hugging in a weird sibling way, Either they were hugging in a weird sibling way or Mikasa wanted to attack Levi and Eren is holding her back, Making her way to Levi's side they both said there goodbyes to Eren, Mikasa and Armin and walked to Levi's car. 

The drive to wherever Levi had chosen wasnt that weird, Kylie was singing and laughing at the shitty jokes Levi tried to tell her, they even opted to video some funny videos, Where Kylie and Llevi were telling jokes to each other and laughing. Overall it was starting our to be the best date Levi had ever arranged and the best date Kylie had ever been on, Although her first date with Levi is still number one.

Walking into the resturant Kylie saw Jean and Marco dressed in waiter outfits and welcoming then. Come to think of it, all of her friends were here, Eren and Armin were working the bar, Mikasa and Annie were cooking, Jean and Marco were waiting on them and Christa and Ymir were taking there coats, the whole resturant was empty beside the group of friends and Levi and Kylie. Sitting down and reading the menu was eventfull, all Kylie saw was french and she didnt know what to make of it, was there dinner based on france or was this a little revision Levi sneakily brung up. 

During dinner nothing out of the ordanairy happened beside seeing Mikasa and Annie make out in the kitchen while making there dessert, after seeing that show Levi decided he would just go buy an ice cream cone for Kylie and they left the resturant now going to the other side of town to find a ice cream shop, The walk was a nice walk, the sun had gone and the moon and stars were out, the ice was melted and the streets werent slippery anymore, Kylie could have sworn she saw Levi glow in the light. 

Sorry this is a short chapter I'm really busy! Enjoy!!!

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