Freakouts and Bonding time!

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Monday had come and gone, Tuesday had slipped away slowly and so Kyulie was left in Wednesday, the day we had to start her art project and nlkt just any project her first art project of the semester. The theme Heroes. Luckily Kylie knew what she was doing for it, she was going to draw Batgirl and Batman side by side.

Eren had asked Kylie to come round so they both could work on their art projects side by side like class, somehow it calmed both of them down a lot. So here was Kylie trying her best not to fuck up and ruin her sketch of Batgirls mask and eyes.

"Shit,Shit,Shit!" Yelled Armin from the other room startling Kylie and Eren who had set up in the garage of the apartment.

"You Ok Armin?" Yelled Eren trying to find out what got his best friend in a huge swearing match with his phone.

"Eren! I swear if I see another girl I'm gonna flip tables.. Oh Hi Kylie." Replied Armin now walking down the steps into the garage.

"Should I go?" Questioned Kylie now clearing her art stuff up.

"No stay! I didn't mean it its just girls are pissng me off right now, I might just turn gay!" Replied Armin now walking up and down the steps.

"Shit! I think I ruined her mask, batman doesn't look tone enough, will people's like this? Should I start again? Damn! Erens drawing is amazing! Ugh why am I such a screw up! I can't draw! That's it I'm going to finish this drawing ad hand it in and run to England. No one should find me there! Dude that's the best idea ever!"

A little while after Kylie had calmed down and hadn't puncjhed her canvas for the painting being shit she was told to calm down with Mikasa, Kylie was currently sat on Mikasa's balcony drinking a can of coke and watching the Mindy project with Mikasa beside her laughing at everything Morgan did or said?

Kylie loved bonding with a girl her age instead of dudes although Kylie could connect more with them instead of girls. Mikasa couldn't stop laughing and neither could Kylie.

"Woah! I'm actually have a good time and I'm not destroying something! This isn't right but I couldn't care more. Maybe moving to New York and attend Trost University was the best thing I've ever done!"

Two hours later and Mikasa has begged Kylie to stay over so they could finish Mindy Project on the huge TV in the living room once the dudes have gone to bed. Kylie agreed to the deal and decided to go home to change clothes and find food to raid.

Once Kylie made it home she saw her mum watching TV and laughing her head off.

"Hi Mum, is it alright if I stay at Mikasa's tonight, were watching Mindy Project!" Questioned Kylie, knowing full well the answer would be sure hunny.

"Sure Hunny, be back and ready in time for Art and French tomorrow, we don't want you running late just yet." Replied Mary going back to her TV screen.

Kylie changed into her pj's and ran back to the kitchen only to see her mum had already bagged snacks to the two, with a quick kiss to her mums cheek Kylie ran back to Mikasa's and got right back into Mindy Project along with a comfy Mikasa.

After finishing the whole series on Netflix it was safe to say the boys still hasn't finished there games so Mikasa and Kylie went down and started to play the game with them. Kylie couldn't help but think this I where she belonged, she always felt something was missing and we still felt something was missing and maybe just maybe she would soon find her missing peice.

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