Moving to New York.

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Kylie Summers, the best artist in High School, Had good friends and was a A+ student. After High School finished Kylie decided she would move to New York and attend Trost University. They had an amazing Art program and Kylie was able to get a place on the program. That brings us to today, Moving day.

The Apartment Kylie had lived in for 5 years with her mum Mary was now completely empty, nothing had been left for the new owners beside the carpet.

"Kylie, Etes-Vous Prêt à aller de miet?" Questioned Mary now holding the front door open for Kylie

"Desde pensais juste, Bien sûr maman" Replied Kylie now heading past the front door and down into their car.

The drive to New York from L.A wasn't fun, being stuck in traffic and bored had its good moments, Kylie could practice her French, that's really the only reason why her mum speaks French, they both hope to live in Paris one day, also Kylie is taking French and wants to learn all she can on the country. Once Mary had safely found the new apartment without hurting anyone Kylie mad a b-line for the toilet, after unpacking and explaining to Mary that she would have to find a new WiFi provider Kylie decided she would take a walk around the neighborhood.

"Hmm! I wonder if the campus at Trost is as nice as the accommodation they provided us with."

"H-Hey School Girl! Wait up!" Yelled a tall brunette stranger.

"S-School Girl? I'm 18 not 14!" Replied Kylie now hoping the strange boy isn't going to murder her

"Sorry its just your uniform told me otherwise, Hi I'm Eren Jaeger, I'm your new neighbour. Its just I saw you run inside and I wanted to see if you were Ok?" Replied Eren now smiling like a little school boy with a crush.

"O-Oh that! I'm fine, to be honest I really needed the toilet." Spoke Kylie now hiding her face from Eren

"Oh thank god! I didn't want you to be dying, Any who I'm having some friends over tonight to get to know the area since this is where we might mostly hang out and I was wondering if you wanted to meet my friends and sister and best friend?" Questioned Eren now smiling brightly.

"S-Sure, What time should I be over? Also should I bring something?" Replied Kylie hoping she wasn't looking like a complete nerd.

"Anything is fine, but we do have a friend Sasha who eats loads of food haha! She can't stop! Quite jealous of her figure, she doesn't gain any weight and six is fine" Replied Eren now trying to smooth out his hair

"O-Okay, I'll see you at six, nice meeting you Eren" Spoke Kylie before she walked back inside her new home

Once inside all Kylie could do was smile, she wasn't the reject anymore, she could make a change and make a new Kylie Summers! Mary watching from her window sat on her bed smiling and hugging a picture of Kylie close to her chest.
"I'm glad she made friends, breaks my heart to see my baby alone and sad"

Kylie ran to the shops and brought three bags of chips and two dips and some drinks, she ran back home ad changed into a normal outfit in her eyes, she wore her Long brown hair down and curled, it was naturally curly and then she wore black jeans with red shoes on and her favorite band top, The Titans!

Kylie walked down the stairs in her new home only to be bombarded with flashes from her mothers camera!

"Ouch! Mum what the hell! My eyes!" Yelled Kylie now shielding her eyes away from the flash.

"Sorry Hunny, I'm just happy you found friends" Replied Mary now putting the camera down and handing Kylie the snacks from the table. "Its 6:05, you won't be early anymore, have fun and come home whenever. Bye!" Yelled Mary now ushering her daughter towards Eren's front door

Kylie knocked on the door and was greeted by Eren smiling and dragging her inside. Once inside Kylie managed to catch a glimpse of some art books and a science text book on the side table.

"Guys, this is..Uhm" Spoke Eren now embarrassed he never got Kylie's name

"Hi, I'm Kylie Summers, Its nice to meet you all" Spoke Kylie now smiling and handing the food to Eren who put it right in front of Sasha.

"That's Sasha, she is in Music and Drama at Trost, she loves food, That's Connie, Sasha's boyfriend, he works in the coffee shop on the campus and he studios business, this is Jean, he studies law, This is Marco and he's the angel of the group, he also studies social care along with Mikasa, she's my sister, this is Armin my best friend and he studies Science and Biology." Spoke Eren now smiling at Kylie.

"Woah! They all sound like cool subjects, I study Art and French,nothing big" Replied Kylie "What about you Eren?"

"Art and French as well! Weird huh?" Replied Eren

"I think that's cool!" Replied Kylie smiling

Once introductions were done, everyone joined in on the fun and got to know everyone before starting a new year at Trost University.

French Translation
1: Kylie, are you ready to go honey?
2: Sorry was just thinking, sure mom

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