Weekend Date?!? With Levi Ackerman?

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Waking up on Saturday was different for Kylie, she didnt have class and her mother was trying to make a drum set out of pots and pans and spoons, it felt nice to lay in and doze, although this wasnt the plan at all for poor Kylie.

Levi: Oi Wake up and be dressed nicely, I'll be outside your's in an hour.
Kylie: Why should i be doing that exactly?
Levi: Wow for someone who's in an advanced class your dumb, Im taking you on a date.
Kylie: Oh.. Ok then and for your information im smarter than you so there! :p

Kylie groaned and stood out of her warm bed just to be hit by a flying pillow and snickers behind her, Kylie turned around to see Mikasa and Sasha stood behind her lightly snickering, Mikasa made the first move to walk towards Kylie who now was blushing and trying to hide herself with her duvet.
"We heard someone has a date with Levi Ackerman, Were here to help you get ready, We only have an hour and you still need to tell you mother who currently is downstairs sobbing like a baby because her little baby is growing up" Spoke Mikasa now guiding Kylie towards the wardrobe to pick out an outfit.

Once Levi pulled up and walked to Kylie's front door Kylie was more then eager to ditch her friends and sobbing mother, The second Levi knocked the door opened to Kylie smiling and saying goodbye to her mother and friends.
"Thankyou so much, If you were any later i would have killed them" Spoke Kylie now sitting in Levi's car
"Nice to know i saved you from going to jail, this way i wont have to put visiting hours on my reminder lists" Replied Levi starting up the car and driving away from Kylie's home
"So whats the agenda for today?" Questioned Kylie sitting up and watching the scenery, L.A Wasnt as beautifull as New York was covered in snow, Kylie couldnt help but snap a picture of it. Ready to draw when she gets home.
"You like snow dont you?" Questioned Levi completely ignoring Kylie's question about the agenda of theire date.
"We had snow in L.A but nothing like this, The snow here is so beautifull. Its like a little while blanket" Replied Kylie not caring if she sounded weird "Oh thanks again for the picture you sent last night, i managed to finish it while being tourtered by make-up" Spoke Kylie now looking directly towards Levi and smiling as he smirked and nodded not needing to speak another word.

Once they both got out of the car at there first destination of many according to Levi. Kylie was taken back, the park she usually walks past to get to Campus was covered in white snow, thick and beautifull, Kylie gasped and then smiled as she saw Levi walking into the park and over the bridge that was there. Kylie walked slowly making sure she didnt trip and fall onto her butt again, it was still sore from falling on it during the week. Once Kylie reached Levi he had already taken a few pictures for Kylie to draw, he even took a selfie for Kylie.
"This is beautifull, how did you know the park was going to look like this?" Questioned Kylie now holding onto Levi's arm so she doesnt trip and fall
"Unlike you i actually look at the weather and plus i drove past here to come and get you and it was an improvised spot." Replied Levi now making Kylie blush and smile at him.
"Well all i can say is it's beautifull!" Spoke Kylie now running into the thick snow and falling onto the ground to make a snowangel.

Exactly an hour after the pair got to the park it was crowded with couples and photographers trying to find the perfect place to sit and watch the snow fall over them. Levi decided then was the time they would head to the second destination not quite far from the park they were already in so they decided to walk and talk a little.

"So Levi, What made you want to take little old me on a date?" Questioned Kylie now walking hand in hand with Levi across the street
"The first time i met you, you caught my eye and ever since ive wanted to ask you out on a date, today just made it perfect" Replied Levi now walking a little slower so Kylie doesnt fall on her butt again.
"Wow, You can be nice and sweet under the toned abs and hatred for Eren, Why do you hate him anyway, no-ones told me yet" Questioned Kylie now stopping and making Levi look right at her
"I dont know i just do, ever since i first met him ive hated his guts, its kind of a mutual feeling between me and him, we never really got on and when we did he would ruin it with his shitty jokes and then i'ld go back to hating him." Replied Levi looking right into Kylie's eyes
"Well if me and you decide to date, your gonna have to love him. He's a friend and i dont want my boyfriend hating my friends." Replied Kylie now smiling and kissing Levi's cheek "Look at you, your blushing" With that Kylie took a picture and walked ahead trying not to slip.

After ice skating the couple decided to get some Hot Chocolate and just sit down, Levi found a cute little shop and went to pay for two hot chocolates, Kylie opted to sit by the radiater and check through the pictures her and Levi took of the scenery and each other, Kylie stopped when she found a picture of her in the snow and Levi smiling at her, the women who was taking pictures on her phone must have sent it to Levi, Kylie immediantly sent it to her phone and put it as her background. Levi came back to the table a little while later with the hot chocolates and a little smile on his face when he saw Kylie's background.

After there date had finished Levi drove Kylie home stopping outside her apartment.
"Thanks for today, i actually had fun! Spoke Kylie now looking down at her hands
Levi decided now was the time to make a move, he grabbed hold of Kylie's hands and lifted her head up with one of his fingers, he then smiled and leant it only to be pushed away by Kylie herself
"Whats wrong, didnt you want me to kiss you?" Questioned Levi still holding Kylie's hands
"I do its just i know everyone including my mother is watching, its embarassing" Replied Kylie trying to look anywhere but Levi's face
Levi's next move shocked Kylie completley, he pulled his jacket up and covered the passenger window knowing full well no-one could look in through the windscreen, he then cupped Kylie's face and placed his lips against Kylie's, Kylie suddenly blushed red as a tomato and decided to kiss Levi back, her hands moved to lay on Levi's shoulders while one of Levi's hands went back and rested on her neck pulling her closer.
After the heated make-out both of them leant back in there seats blushing and smiling like two little kids after there first school crush, Kylie then sat up and pulled jacket down when she knew both her and Levi had stopped blushing only to see Mikasa,Eren and Armin pushed up against the window with a look of shock on there faces. The next line to be spoken shocked everyone except Mikasa.

"Your lucky your mum went to the shops, the jacket didnt cover anything, we saw and we have photo evidence" Spoke Mikasa now smiling like a kid who had won a trophy at a school fun run.

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