Ink x shy toddler reader

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Suggested by: @SugarSweetSSG

(Ink's POV)

I walked around the snowy forest of Horrortale, looking for Error and the people who have decided to follow him in destroying AU's. I know Horror had joined Error and I was hoping I would find clues as to where Error was or would be heading. As I walked, keeping my distance from people, I saw something. A snow puff by Horror's station. I thought I saw it moved slightly which only furthered my curiosity.

I watched from the distance for a while to see if anything would happen. After about half an hour of watching the snow puff, I found nothing happened. Eventually, I walked towards it slowly. I stayed quiet so I wouldn't alarm the thing under the snow if there even was something or someone under there. I gently brushed off the snow to see a stuffed doll... it had some blood on it. A knot grew in my non-existent stomach as My eyes widened. This toy... and in Horrortale...

Different scenarios played in my head of what could have happened. A child walking around, lost and confused and suddenly, poof, in a blink of an eye, they're dead. Fed to the monsters of Horrortale. I dropped the stuffed toy and continued searching for any clues as to where Error might be.

I didn't end up finding anything useful and I was about to create a portal to go home when I heard something. 'Achoo!' I turned around and saw Horror's station. The same one I found the toy at. The toy was gone. I looked behind/inside Horror's station and found a little girl. She looked to be about 2-3 years old. Her h/l h/c hair was matted up as if it hadn't been taken care of in months. And her clothing was torn and filthy.

She looked as if she had been down here for a few days. She must have been starving. She couldn't have eaten any of the snow since it was toxic, and no one would have given her food. As I was thinking an important question came to my head. 'How did she get down here or survive this long.' She would've had to have fallen down right? How could she have survived the fall? Then she would have had to get passed Toriel. That's not even counting all the other monsters. So, how?'
(Go on reader, tell me. How did it happen?)

I guess there are some questions that would never be answered. I observed the small child a little longer. She seemed so out of place here. She caught sight of me and crawled into the station. I wasn't to surprise if I'm being honest.

I walked up to the station carefully, making sure not to make much noise. I peeked over the side of the station and saw the small human child shaking. I couldn't tell if it was from fear or from the cold but then again it didn't really matter.

"Hello," I said with a warm smile. She looked up at me shaking violently. "The names Ink," I said walking around the side of the station. I crouched down to try and see her more clearly. I got a better look at her face. She had e/c eyes that seemed to have lost there shine from her time being here. I knew she was malnourished but now, seeing her this close.

I felt a pit form in my non-existent stomach.

The fear in her e/c eyes, the bruises and small cuts on her face as proof she hadn't avoided all the monsters down here.

I felt like I was going to be sick.

End of part 1
Please read!!!!!

Hey, guys, this is SuperFanGirl (obviously). I just wanted to say sorry for not uploading much. I've just been reading books that aren't on Wattpad and I've lost a small amount of inspiration to write.

Angel: Oh no! Does this mean you won't be writing any more Undertale?!

No that's not the case at all. It's just that I want to write some stories that aren't just Undertale. Now don't get me wrong I love Undertale to death, and I REFUSE to leave the fandom.

Angel: Then what's wrong C?

Well, it's just that I feel like my writing is really... bad. I mean grammar, spelling, punctuation. I feel like that no matter what I do I'm still missing something.

Angel: What does this have to do with you wanting to write other things than just Undertale?

Ok, I'm sorry I'm jumping around a lot so I'll break it down.

1. A new book
I've been thinking of starting a story for two of my OC's. They don't come from any fandoms like Angel, Flora, and Coco. (Who no one knows about.) Who come from the Undertale fandom. Instead, they're kinda like Jain (Who still no one knows) with a less heavy story. (Jain has a heavy story in my opinion that has to do with human trafficking and stuff.)

I was considering writing a story about them. I could try to enter it in a contest on Wattpad. Maybe even, dare I say it, get it published. (Long shot with the publishing thing but you never know.)

Angel: Ok, and what else C?

2.Writers Block
Well, since I'm kinda going through writer's block I thought I'd do another Q&A. Ask me, ask my OCs (Undertale or not Undertale). The only difference will be you won't be able to ask any Sans'. Sorry. I will try to make some art with all my OCs and give a short summary of them. (The art is not guaranteed. And if there is art it will probably end badly so sorry)

Anyway sorry for the long note. See ya next time my lovely little readers.

Sans x Reader oneshots 2nd book (with a lot less spelling mistakes)Where stories live. Discover now